Other than the memes it has to be that everyone takes the piss out of everything posted.
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on Wednesday, April 1st, 2015 at 05:30 and is filed under WTF?.
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Dragon Dildos
Ivan Chesnokov: http://www.m1-garand-rifle.com/ivan-chesnokov.php
It’s gotta be /ak/.
Nothing gets people more annoyed than anime and guns.
SSD was /k/ommando?
This isn’t April fools joke, right?
He wasn’t a /k/ommando, he IS a /k/ommando.
There are actually important people who browse /k/?
/k/ is a shithole full of upset Europeans and teenagers who don’t own guns or even have a complete grasp of reality.
Night /k/ is best /k/. Operator change is okay as well, slow board though.
Milsurp threads and polandball scaremongering about RUSStronk
Why would anyone look for useful weapons-related information on a Nauruan marionette imageboard?
I just attempted to try and read through this /k/ thing; my eyes bled. Thanks Obama.
/k/ is full of cawadooty teenagers and poorfags that can only afford nuggets.
What’s a /k/? Is that anything like those Sudanese pictographs sites?
Operators operate operationally on /k/.
Their threads making fun of arfcom are pretty funny.
Read the rules newfag
not on/k/ but worth the read….
I’ve read through the Gecko45 stuff before, it is hillarious…… I think I have it all saved on my computer in fact, just so I can occaisionally have a really good laugh!
If you want to laugh at somebody, try laughing at the sheep out there who go to the mall unarmed trusting in me to stand guiard over their lives like a God.
either the best troll of all time or I don’t want to live on this planet anymore!
The complete lack of disregard for common sense.
It’s the kind of place that convinces one man to shove a rifle bolt up his ass, and another to kill (and later eat) a bear with an african engineered electric fence.
No idea what /k/ is but after reading the comments I’m afraid to look. ha
Firing dragon dildos at filthy chechens with my mk19
Shitposting :^)
Sexually identifying as an attack helicopter.
So, like a few others, I have no idea what /k/ is….. but from the reviews it is either a bunch of d-bags being PITA’s, or it’s funny stuff? I’m not sure I want to find out?
It’s both. I’d stay away.
Imagine arfcom GD but taken to extremes on both ends. Sometimes it is amazing and hilarious. Sometimes it is horrible. Okay, a lot of the time it’s horrible.
Jetgirls :DDDD
I wouldn’t worry about that.
Da Fuck?
>mfw this post