Wilcox BOSS Xe

What’s Your Favorite Thing About /k/?

Other than the memes it has to be that everyone takes the piss out of everything posted.

28 Responses to “What’s Your Favorite Thing About /k/?”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Dragon Dildos

  2. Jameson says:

    It’s gotta be /ak/.

    Nothing gets people more annoyed than anime and guns.

  3. jjj0309 says:

    SSD was /k/ommando?
    This isn’t April fools joke, right?

  4. Darrel says:

    There are actually important people who browse /k/?

    /k/ is a shithole full of upset Europeans and teenagers who don’t own guns or even have a complete grasp of reality.

  5. evan says:

    Night /k/ is best /k/. Operator change is okay as well, slow board though.

  6. Hooper says:

    Milsurp threads and polandball scaremongering about RUSStronk

  7. Billiam says:

    Why would anyone look for useful weapons-related information on a Nauruan marionette imageboard?

  8. Erik says:

    I just attempted to try and read through this /k/ thing; my eyes bled. Thanks Obama.

  9. Blake says:

    /k/ is full of cawadooty teenagers and poorfags that can only afford nuggets.

  10. Rob says:

    What’s a /k/? Is that anything like those Sudanese pictographs sites?

  11. Barak O. says:

    Operators operate operationally on /k/.

  12. Stash says:

    Their threads making fun of arfcom are pretty funny.

  13. I says:

    Read the rules newfag

  14. sam says:

    not on/k/ but worth the read….


    • LCSO264 says:

      I’ve read through the Gecko45 stuff before, it is hillarious…… I think I have it all saved on my computer in fact, just so I can occaisionally have a really good laugh!

      • sam says:

        If you want to laugh at somebody, try laughing at the sheep out there who go to the mall unarmed trusting in me to stand guiard over their lives like a God.

        either the best troll of all time or I don’t want to live on this planet anymore!

  15. Edgy Teen #3400000678 says:

    The complete lack of disregard for common sense.
    It’s the kind of place that convinces one man to shove a rifle bolt up his ass, and another to kill (and later eat) a bear with an african engineered electric fence.

  16. BAP45 says:

    No idea what /k/ is but after reading the comments I’m afraid to look. ha

  17. removekebab says:

    Firing dragon dildos at filthy chechens with my mk19

  18. Therussian says:

    Shitposting :^)

  19. Cobra says:

    Sexually identifying as an attack helicopter.

  20. LCSO264 says:

    So, like a few others, I have no idea what /k/ is….. but from the reviews it is either a bunch of d-bags being PITA’s, or it’s funny stuff? I’m not sure I want to find out?

    • Ericsson says:

      It’s both. I’d stay away.

      Imagine arfcom GD but taken to extremes on both ends. Sometimes it is amazing and hilarious. Sometimes it is horrible. Okay, a lot of the time it’s horrible.

  21. Graf von Knackwurst says:

    Jetgirls :DDDD

  22. Not A Spooky says:

    I wouldn’t worry about that.

  23. Michaelangelo says:

    Da Fuck?

    >mfw this post
