GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Unofficial Word Regarding OCP Transition Is…

Word is trickling out to the troops via NCO Channels (imagine that) that the Army will allow Soldiers to wear ACUs in UCP or OCP (legacy MultiCam as well as newfangled hotness Scorpion W2) beginning 1 July. So far nothing official in message traffic has been released and neither wearout dates for UCP nor mandatory possession dates for OCP have been established.

Have any of you heard this?

50 Responses to “Unofficial Word Regarding OCP Transition Is…”

  1. WagenCAV says:

    Nope, but have heard several NCOs inform Soldiers that Scorpion is patented by the army and that’s why their multicam uniforms will not be allowed. They like to point out that they’ll be able to spot the difference between the two because of the ” vertical lines” in multicam, which are only there so Crye could patent their pattern. And lastly that all our new kit will be in coyote and the multicam kit will also not be permitted. So much for the Army being able to filter legitimate information down the chain.

    • SSD says:

      Holy frijoles. Have them read SSD.

      • Ray says:

        The only place I go to get my information.

      • WagenCAV says:

        I’ve tried many times to get people to read what’s going on. Some follow you anyway, but don’t really pay attention to the details. Others give it a passing glance and then try to quote military.com stuff. Nothing against Matthew Cox, but much of his writing on the subject has been stories about virtually nothing, save for a few misinterpretations of Guy Cramer’s assessment of Milticam vs Scorpion back in 2013, mixed in with wishful thinking and half truths. By the time info trickles down to Joe level it’s like a crappy Memorex tape from the 80s which was a copy of a copy of a copy. Hell, with those I could hardly tell what song I was listening to. No wonder all the misinformation makes E5s think they can smoke Joe for wearing his FRACUs once they day arrives for us to jump into OCP.

    • straps says:

      It’s why we need to ban smoking areas, and possibly the people who use them. If I need a laugh (or a cry), I’ll walk (upwind) of two people smoking & talking. Carcinogens and misinformation in copious amounts.

    • CAvstrong says:

      I’ve heard similar things….

    • balais says:

      jesus, some busy bodies never get enough.

    • GW says:

      Couple that with the stunned looks I get from a lot of soldiers when I suggest they are even getting a new pattern. Its pretty funny.

    • Stig says:

      I think there’s a possibility our CSM reads SSD.

      He said OCP is OCP, whether legacy or new. He won’t make a distinction between them unless the army specifically puts out to do so.

      Which is nice because we just had an RFI of OCP.

  2. Mike D says:

    I have not heard this, but would be happy to see it officially. I’ll be switching on day one, been holding out on replacing my current uniforms until something actually happens with the uniform situation.

    • Jon, OPT says:

      I’ve had the same 4 sets of ACUs since day 1, never even wore two of them. This change needs to happen NOW, I see a significant improvement in morale as soon as it does.

      Jon, OPT

      • Mike D says:

        I wore my BDUs up until the wear out date. Needled to say, I don’t think anyone will be wearing their ACUs to the were out date. I would imagine that the majority of people that are staying in would make the transition fairly quickly.

  3. Nick says:

    We’ve had May going around- really I just want them before our JRTC rotation

  4. 32sbct says:

    Not sure if you saw the recently released photos of Soldiers currently serving in Iraq, they were all wearing OCP. Not much of a surprise but interesting to see.

    Like everyone else, I’m putting mine on the first chance I get.

    • Mike D says:

      SOME in Iraq may be wearing OCP, but I guarantee you that not ALL are wearing them. There is quite a bit of UCP over there…

      • Bruce says:

        Most units deploying(last 4 months atleast) to CENTCOM are getting OCP RFI, i know i got mine. I will see UCP in the units who are coming up on deployment end. 82nd has it, 10th will get it.

        • Stig says:

          173rd has it as of February, and we’ve been using it Europe. The CONUS based units here on OAR deployments wear it too.

  5. Darth says:

    Like with the ACU transition, I’ll wait to the last minute. Nothing in the Army ever comes out correct at first release.

    Just like I’m waiting to buy the new PT uniform. Wear out date is when I drop my retirement packet.

  6. CAvstrong says:

    I’ve been hearing later, like January or later…

    But I’ve also seen AFN videos of soldier in Europe wearing OCP for normal training.

    • Stig says:

      We have been using it for a little while in Europe now. First it was OCONUS units deployed here, and now those of us based here use it for training as well. 173rd is entirely equipped with OCP as of February. New guys have been getting UCP and OCP TA50, it’s hilarious.

  7. CAvstrong says:

    Also, any word on bookends?

  8. Wake27 says:

    The only thing I’ve heard is that Schofield’s Clothing Sales is stocking it. What about the boots though, they have to be Coyote, right? Are all Coyotes the same? I’m assuming there’s a list somewhere of the ones approved for wear with OCP already…

    • SSD says:

      Search for UQCP

      • Iron Warrior says:

        In other words no, and possibly worse. I haven’t heard anything, but then again I get all my info from SSD .

        • Jon, OPT says:

          It’s not like boots have to be concurrent, anyone remember when deserts were authorized with BDUs? Or when black cold weather boots were still authorized with ACUs?

          Jon, OPT

          • Nick The Brit says:

            I’ve got some photos from ’05 where we’re wearing desert boots, BDUs, UCP IBAs, DCU TA-50, and brand new ACHs with no covers on them.

  9. Aaron says:

    There is no “wear in” plan at 1AD like there is for the new PTs. I will maintain current PTs until normal shorts are available at MCSS…3x and above, I thought we were slimming down.

  10. Mike Army says:

    Coming from our chain of command, we’re told not to buy anymore UCP pattern stuff. We’re in Kuwait wearing multicam now but when we return, the Scorpion W2 will be out. I’ve bought the coyote colored Garmont T8 boots and no one seems to care or just don’t notice them.

  11. LRRP says:

    I sent a question to the SGM of the Army’s Uniform Board at the Pentagon asking this exact question several months ago and was told that soldiers would be allowed to wear the old multicam during the transition phase to the new OCP. About two weeks ago, I followed up with “when can you start wearing the old stuff if you already have it.” I was told, by the SGM, that the new OCP would be available starting 1 July and that written guidance would be released soon with additional instructions. A little vague but in other emails the SGM expressed frustration from the lack of more explicit instruction and information.

    • ME says:

      Would really love to see a screenshot of these (with PII redacted of course). My report date for next PCS is 1 AUG, would love to show up at next duty station with no more UCP.

  12. rce says:

    besides pattern, i’m fairly certain the army wide issue multicam/scorpion/whatever will NOT be fire resistant (due to costs), so the color will probably be more vivid. you can spot non-fire resistant from fire-resistant material from a mile away.

    • Jon, OPT says:

      All the RFI Multicam ACUs are FR. Hundreds of thousands of those were issued. They look significantly different than Tru-Spec or Propper uniforms.

      Jon, OPT

      • rce says:

        that’s what i mean. the rfi/ going to AFG/IRQ issue is FR. That stuff coming through the pipe for clothing and sales?! I highly doubt it will be FR.

        • Jon, OPT says:

          Considering cost, I think the answer would be a strong fuck no, guys will go get after market stuff before they shell out hundreds for a uniform. Time will tell on that one.

          Jon, OPT

        • SSD says:

          It is NYCO. It’s just the improved ACU in OCP.

  13. xdarrows says:

    No real data, but ….

    Army chief shares update on new camo rollout:

    • WagenCAV says:

      Was getting ready to bring up the same story from Army Times. The picture shows a Soldier wearing multicam but the caption describes it as the Army’s new pattern. I don’t think the staff writer, nor the CSA actually know what’s going on. I sense that someone at the top told GEN Odierno that we’re adopting multicam as OCP and that’s why he’s always referencing OCP the way he does.

  14. MAC says:

    So what about sew on badges for multicam or scorpion? And is it me or are the patches on multicam (OCP) the same as BDU?

  15. MAC says:

    So what about sew on badges for multicam or scorpion? And is it me or are the patches on multicam (OCP) the same as BDU?

  16. Parabellum says:

    I just saw a copy of release notes today that said 1 July also. It looks alot like the AR/DA PAM 670-1 slides just before that was released so I expect to see an official ALARACT soon, if not a complete 670-1 revision. Ill be getting a copy of the slides ASAP for distribution IAW the classification (If I remember it wasn’t FOUO)