RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

NRAAM 2015 – Tactical Walls

Tactical Walls has introduced a couple of new, more budget minded concealment systems including this full functional clock. Additionally, you don’t have to cut holes in your wall for the installation.


2 Responses to “NRAAM 2015 – Tactical Walls”

  1. Riceball says:

    Nice idea but I’m not too sure about the clock design itself, what they need to do is to offer several different designs of clocks so that you’d be more likely to find one that fits with your decor better. Having something like one of these clocks that totally stands out from the rest of your decor would only serve to draw attention to itself and might cause a criminal to take second look at it.

  2. Tim K says:

    They have an option for a custom clock face:

    Custom Clock Face Photo Upload

    Send in your unique photo for a ONE OF A KIND canvas clock face! You may securely upload your file below, or if you prefer you can email your unique photo to carrie@tacticalwalls.com. Keep in mind to use a 300dpi or higher resolution to ensure a fantastic quality clock face. Image size should be 19″ x 19″ for faster service.