RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

ANZAC Day 2015 – 100th Anniversary

Each year, April 25th is observed as ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand to commemorate the first military action at Gallipoli of the Australia New Zealand Army Corps.


It’s a century on now and we all owe a moment of gratitude for our coalition partners who’ve stuck by us on the side of right. They’ve been with us through thick and thin and that says a lot for three countries separated by a common language but who all share common values amd a commitment to them.

Having served with units from both Australia and New Zealand during my military service, they often come to mind, and each ANZAC Day in particular.

Cheers, Mates.

5 Responses to “ANZAC Day 2015 – 100th Anniversary”

  1. Dev says:

    Lest we forget.

  2. Terry says:

    I was honoured to support Anzac Day events in Adelaide with my Saracen APC. Lest we forget.

  3. Samuel Leoon Suggs says:

    We are separated by a common language? Am i missing something?

  4. Stefan S. says:

    That whole Operation was a Charlie Foxtrot.

  5. Huch says:

    Love the Aussies. Don’t take themselves too seriously and don’t shy away from a fight.

    My wife’s grandfather (as true blue Aussie as they come) was a machine gunner in WWII who lied about his age to enlist at 16. Didn’t like to talk too much about the war, but he did have great stories about dealing with headhunting tribes in Borneo. He had fire red hair and they went nuts over him. Touching his hair, saying how much they wanted it, etc. I asked how he responded and he said “I just brought me gun up.” Some messages don’t need to be translated.