
BCM 300 Blackout Teaser


Oh, yeah. It’s coming.

Also in the picture:

– Velocity System Scarab Light Plate Carrier
– G-Code Scorpion Pouches in Multicam
– Silinyx Clarus Control Box and EarPro

– Trijicon Accupoint1-6×24
– Lancer Systems L5 AWM Polymer Magazines
– Surefire M300V Scout Mini Light
– Haley Strategic Thorntail Keymod Mount
– Knights Armament Offset Iron Sights
– BCMGUNFIGHTER™ Stock (Urban Wolf)
– BCMGUNFIGHTER Pistol Grip Mod 3 (Urban Wolf)
– BCMGUNFIGHTER Vertical Grip Short – Keymod (Urban Wolf)

– ZevTech SOCOM Glock slide with Trijicon RMR
– Surefire X300


13 Responses to “BCM 300 Blackout Teaser”

  1. Hutch says:

    Yeeessssss. My body is ready

  2. contractor says:

    What color of Scarab is that?

  3. “Hey honey, you know how we talked about a tighter budget for gun stuff…”

    BCM: We help couples communicate.

    • JJ says:

      Having just said, “my rifle is fine for now and I can wait on the new one”, I’m going to be in trouble. LOL

  4. Nick says:

    Of course after I special an order an upper from parts and have Rainier Arms assemble it because I couldn’t find a single 8″ or so barrel .300 with a 7″ or so KMR.

  5. ahhhhhclever says:

    I want one of everything

  6. Nate says:

    I’m interested to see what sort of barrels BCM makes available in BLK. Might give me a few more options when I finally get around to stamping a lower for an sbr.

  7. blehtastic says:

    I am an unapologetic fanboy. I don’t know whether to giggle, cry, or scream “woohoo!”

    • DGM says:

      Should you decide to give in to all three impulses, try to do so one at a time.

  8. T says:

    Hot damn. Thanks for the “also included” part as well… since everyone always asks.