
SOFIC 2015 – Turtleskin Snake Armor

The Turtleskin Snake Armor has been tested against all biting snakes in North America, most in Australia and several in Africa.  They are currently selling them to Border Patrol as well as utility workers and outdoorsmen in snake ridden areas.  

Available in gaiters and chaps, the Snake Armor will also protect the wearer from brush.  Made in USA, they’ve been submitted to the Soldoer Enhancement Program.


6 Responses to “SOFIC 2015 – Turtleskin Snake Armor”

  1. mark says:

    I’ve been using Turtleskin’s Kevlar lined gloves for nearly 9 years now. Best gloves I’ve ever had. The weave of the kevlar is tight enough that even fine shards of glass won’t pierce through, but they are thin enough to offer pretty decent dexterity.

  2. I have been using and recommending these for 10+ years. They are very effective against briars/cactus and snakes too as far as I know because I have never been bitten.

  3. Bill says:

    Woohoo, maybe in time for weed eradication season. It aint the snakes, it’s the treble hooks, multiflora rose and assorted briars and brambles that infest our 14th generation forests. I typically come out of the woods infested with blood-sucking parasites, those being the growers, ticks, chiggers and looking like I went through a commercial chipper shredder.

    I’ve been begging for wildland fire pants instead of BDUs, which always rip and make me stop.

  4. Riceball says:

    Could someone explain to me why this is being submitted to the Soldier Enhancement Program? Is there an actual need for snake protection in the Army or is it being considered/submitted for some other purpose other than protection against snakes?

  5. TurtleSKin says:

    We have received a number of inquiries from active military personnel requesting that we make an effort to make this product available to them, we figured SEP would be good route.

    Also based on the number of requests from consumers it will be available for dogs in 5 sizes. It will be 2 piece, a neck guard and torso chest coverage and open straps across the back. Will be available soon