GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

FirstSpear Friday Focus SSV Belt Mounted Double Magazine Pocket, Pistol


Following through on professional user requests, FirstSpear is now offering the SSV Belt Mounted Double Magazine Pocket, Pistol. Featuring the same detail, fit, and craftsmanship found throughout the SSV line, the Double Magazine Pocket securely fits two pistol magazines with adjustable retention, and works with various belt carry options, including the FirstSpear Line 1 belt.


This Sizing Chart details the current models/magazines supported.


Available in the following finishes:

Ranger Green
AOR1 and AOR2 available for qualified personnel.


Additionally, FirstSpear is also offering Denim New & Denim Faded as finishes to the SSV line. These finishes will be available for delivery August 2015 on all SSV Holsters and Magazine Pockets.

FirstSpear would also like to extend a special offer through the weekend. Purchase any SSV Dual Mag Pocket and SSV Holster and get FREE domestic ground shipping on your entire order!



8 Responses to “FirstSpear Friday Focus SSV Belt Mounted Double Magazine Pocket, Pistol”

  1. Razinski says:

    FS makes great gear, but the “bungee retainer” on the holster is a super bad idea … many cases where bungee cords on jacket bottoms get caught up in pistol triggers during re-holstering. Result: Oops, I shot my foot!

    • straps says:

      First, let me state I agree, and that the bungee on the aged denim holster is particularly poorly placed.

      Second, it’s removable. The bungee is for compliance with agency policy. When I had that requirement, I had the bungee wrapped around the belt clip.

      Third, shows the importance of training in the gear you’ll be likely to fight in. ALL OF IT. That will get you to notice (and alter, if necessary) things like waist-adjustment bungees on jackets.

    • DBG says:

      Could you please provide a reliable web link or 3 (not forum gossip) to these incidents? I’m asking b/c I’ve seen the bungee danger rant often enough to realize that the people who disagree with it, generally, have never ran it. The only person I personally know that accidentally shot himself was b/c of untucked shirt material that pulled his trigger as he holstered his Sig into a Serpa. I still run a Serpa, and I still shoot with a shirt on. Odds are the professionals as FS are selling their holsters with bungee retention b/c that’s what the pros themselves, 3 letter agencies and Mil units that will be placing bulk orders are asking/looking for.

  2. Paul says:

    They’re showing different placement options. Relax.

    • mike says:


      And for those who don’t require the bungee you can take it off! It’s easier to sell it with bungee than to explain to EVERY PERSON WHO COULD POSSIBLY SEE YOUR HOLSTER that it is available with bungee. Working in a retail environment I promise you the average person who NEEDS that retention would look at the holster without the bungee and immediately dismiss it because no retention and only the SLIMMEST margin of people will go “oh, duh, I could add bungee”.

      This is a solid product, with solid options, offered to customers who are most certainly buying them up. As per usual I doubt the people who are complaining about the bungee have any interest in buying anyway; just they want to wow us with their “expertise”.