GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Katylist – Officer Survival Solutions Level IIIA 10X12 Special Threat Plates

The product is the OSS Officer Survival Solutions Level IIIA 10X12 Special Threat Plates. They are NIJ 06 Certified – Weigh only (0.85LB) and are .03 inches thick. These are great plates for low profile/Low Vis operations where someone wants to be able to throw on soft armor in carrier , and doesn’t wear concealed, or worn in a carrier as daily soft armor.

They are listed at a special limited time into price of $134.99 each.


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7 Responses to “Katylist – Officer Survival Solutions Level IIIA 10X12 Special Threat Plates”

  1. Spence says:

    Do you mean .3 inches? Because .03 is some next level stuff.

  2. Chucker says:

    Their website states .03′ (feet) thick. That translates into 0.36“ ( inches) thick.

  3. Allon says:

    And if you click on the “additional information” tab it says the weight is 4lbs

  4. Preston says:

    It’s a plate that stops pistol rounds. The same rounds my soft vest stops. Do people going into harms way really want this? If I am putting on a plate carrier I want it to stop rifle rounds. This sounds like marketing hype to me. ie it looks high speed but it’s not.

    • mike says:

      From the SSD article:

      “These are great plates for low profile/Low Vis operations where someone wants to be able to throw on soft armor in carrier , **and doesn’t wear concealed**, or worn in a carrier as daily soft armor.”

      I mean, I know it was the third sentence in and all and who can be expect that much of an attention span?