SIG MMG 338 Program Series

A Note To MGL Leather Belt Owners

Mean Gene Leather sent this note out to belt owners. Be sure to check those Chicago screws.

Those whom have received MGL belts, I have had a few reports of the Chicago screws loosening and backing out. Please check your belts and let me know if you need me to send out any replacements.

I was hesitant to place any lock-tite on the screws being if anyone wanted to switch out buckles, it could be a challenge. If you wish to place lock-tite on the screws, please do so, or use some candle wax or steal your kids crayon while they are not looking and mesh the wax/crayon into the threads of the Chicago screwed retighten. My apologies for any issues that may have occur.


2 Responses to “A Note To MGL Leather Belt Owners”

  1. T.H says:

    ROCK SOLID belts and outstanding customer service!!!

  2. S.H. says:

    I think that is just something you learn to live with when you wear a belt with Chicago screws. If you want the ability to quickly swap buckles or service your buckle or what-not, you have to check and retighten the screws every once in a while. Think of it as a PCC or PMCS for your belt. However, good on this company for making people aware of the issue and working quickly to correct it.