
FirstSpear Friday Focus – Instant Adjust Back Panel, AAC

This week, we’ll focus on the FirstSpear Instant Adjust Back Panel, AAC. The concept is to allow the user the ability to quickly and easily resize the entire cummerbund to accommodate transitions from dry suits, CBRNE Suits, or Extreme cold weather clothing.


It was once said that “Battle is a highly fluid situation, flexibility is the key to being able to respond appropriately…” taking that ethos to heart FS is continuing to evolve their successful line of plate carriers by introducing the Instant Adjust Back Panel, currently available in the AAC configuration in all FS standard plate cuts and sizes including the popular MBAV.

The Instant Adjust Back Panel integrates seamlessly with the FS Adaptable Cummerbund, Sectional as well as Modular along with any existing FS front panel utilizing Tubes Technology.


The access flap allows you to get to points of adjustment located on the back panel. This means you can now pre-arrange a second set of Tubes on the sewn track for when it is required to adjust your cummerbund size out or in. This photo shows you exactly what this means.


Available in all standard FS Colors.


3 Responses to “FirstSpear Friday Focus – Instant Adjust Back Panel, AAC”

  1. d says:


  2. Genius Sons of Bitches.

  3. Mohican says:

    Awesome! These guys really find solutions to problems.