
Oakley SI Launches New Site

Oakley Standard Issue has completely reimagined their website. The new site is built on a backend infrastructure by Hybris Content Management System giving it sime real horsepower. Not only is it easier to navigate, but it delivers additional rich content such as videos to enhance your understanding of Oakley’s product line.

One of the features I really like is the pulldown menus. They make navigation a snap and it’s much easier to find what you are looking for. I also like that Oakley continues to offer their commercial products to the SI audience.

Don’t forget, Oakley SI membership is open to active, reserve and veterans of the US Armed Forces, current members of Law Enforcement, Fire/EMS amd US Government employees.


6 Responses to “Oakley SI Launches New Site”

  1. T.H says:

    Unless something has changed, Oakley SI is ONLY available to retired veterans. Those of us who did not retire, are not eligible to gain membership.

  2. Kango says:

    Let me know when the Tombstone becomes available.

  3. AlexC says:

    Just a friendly reminder to all my fellow canucks that Oakley SI is for americans only… but Oakley has been kind enough to setup a parallel program for us at:

    Same general rules, must be current or ex-mil/le/etc.