FirstSpear TV

Hyperstealth Bids Farewell To Hollywood

Hyperstealth released this rather well laid out statement regarding the decision to end their long relationship with the film industry.

(July 13, 2015, Vancouver, B.C.) Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp. is a successful camouflage design and development company with over 4,000,000 military uniforms issued around the world which use their licensed camouflage patterns and over 12,000 camouflage patterns under worldwide copyright.

Hollywood came calling nine years ago and since that time Hyperstealth has worked on developing camouflage used on many hundreds of uniforms for both TV series and blockbuster movies. The worldwide box office grosses for those movies which used Hyperstealth camouflage uniforms is $4.9 Billion U.S. dollars including 3 of the top 6 movies of all time. If you add the movies Hyperstealth has provided camouflage for pre or post production then the number goes to $6 Billion U.S. Dollars and adding those movies which used patterns developed by Guy Cramer, President/CEO of Hyperstealth but are independent of Hyperstealth then the total worldwide box office gross goes to 7.3 Billion U.S. dollars.

Hyperstealth provided very fast short run production at fairly inexpensive rates. Whereas large textile printers require 10,000 yard minimums with considerable upfront costs on screen cuttings and color sampling and screen cutting alone could take weeks before the printer could begin production of the material. Hyperstealth also had a vast library of patterns to select from and the ability to change colors and scale to the studio requirements or even creating new patterns in just a few hours.

The last thing a studio needs is to find themselves in is an expensive copyright infringement case which can occur if the studio used or developed a pattern close to another camouflage pattern owned by someone else and used it in their movie without permission of the original owner. Hyperstealth pattern use provided the studios that copyright security.

So why has Hyperstealth decided to walk away from further Movie/TV business? This is not their core business. When times were lean a few years ago, these contracts helped supplement Hyperstealth’s revenue but the time constraints of all these productions required that Hyperstealth drop everything else and focus 110% on the movie or TV project working 12-16+ hour days and over weekends and holidays to meet their deadlines. Quite often the Science Fiction movies and TV series want something futuristic, a new material and/or a new pattern, something that no one has seen before. These Movie/TV requirements are usually more than what a country development program would require for a new military camouflage pattern, and country camouflage pattern development is currently the core business of Hyperstealth.

In business there is an element of marketing, promotion and/or branding to offset the costs associated with the extra work required for these special short run jobs. However, getting a studio to authorize a press release or even allowing Hyperstealth to announce their pattern was used in a film or TV show was at best difficult. Hyperstealth was under strict NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreements) with the studios and productions and Hyperstealth didn’t even show up in any of the movie credits.

Out of all the big movies Hyperstealth has worked on, only Marvel Studios provided a one page press release a week after the release of “Avengers; Age of Ultron” but would not allow the release of photos from the movie or production showing the camouflage uniforms. Hyperstealth had to take a photo of their camouflage material in their office to use with the press release.

Guy Cramer, President/CEO of Hyperstealth “While we have been highly successful with the movies and TV shows, it has interfered with our key business and when you are unable to make that your highest priority, then we are putting Hollywood ahead of our main clients, that being country camouflage programs. We don’t need their (Hollywood) money, we can’t really afford the extra time and given Hollywood’s track record on credit, we don’t see any real benefits from further movies or TV shows.”

As an aside I’d like to show you the camo pattern they are referencing from the “Age of Ultron“.


40 Responses to “Hyperstealth Bids Farewell To Hollywood”

  1. SRez says:

    Why is that we bend over backwards for the people with the deepest pockets in exchange for some of their fame?! Learn a lesson from them, take them for all the money they got and run.

  2. Paul says:

    Cost vs. Benefit. If Hyperstealth can’t even promote their brand that’s being featured in a multi-million dollar blockbuster in order to at least cover their development costs then the studios can stuff it.

  3. Disco says:

    Screw Hollywood.

    They want people to come up with ways for the military and police to look ‘scary’ so they can portray them as brainless drones at best and the enemies at worst.

    They want the latest guns so they can have ‘the hero’ use them and then have the actors and directors donate money to get them banned.

    I wouldn’t let them have access to squat. They can point fingers and shout bang.

  4. Dis-satisfaction with the film industry is common when you lack someone that knows the ins-and-outs to look out for you.

    We have worked with every major US (and some foreign) apparel manufacturers / camo companies to cultivate relationships with film/TV that were mutually beneficial. Including securing advance production photos that were cleared to use for advertising purposes. Every manufacturer we utilize has been extremely satisfied with the opportunities we have brought them.

    Any manufacturer that falls for the “give us this for free and Stallone will kill a terrorist with it” pitch is a sucker. (We won’t even deal with Stallone pics, but this is a good example).

    We have never asked anyone for free product, and no legit entity dealing with the film industry will.

    We also pay close attention to the good guy / bad guy intentions of the production and make sure everyone is aware of the basics of the story.

    Any company looking to vett a film industry inquiry they receive for legitimacy, or to look out for your interests during the process, drop us an email. We have impressive references.

    Bending over backwards for the film industry should always be a win/win.

    • Petro says:

      It took them 9 years to figure out that they were doing it wrong?

      • That Guy says:

        Some folks learn slower than others.

        If the movie has been released, surely you can find images of Hyperstealth involvement in these “Major” blockbusters. If the studio has released the pics, they have disclosed them, which takes them out of being covered by a NDA. So… let’s see the pics, or it didn’t happen.

  5. The film business is always a “we need everything yesterday” kind of enterprise. Providing gunsmithing and ammunition services to the film industry has been a mixed bag. Certain networks have always been awesome, certain individuals should be charged with oxygen theft.

    The only thing I can say, always get paid up front, and always have a contract in place. If a customer isn’t willing to pay up front, the customer isn’t serious, and you should walk.

  6. CRH says:

    I think this whole post is douchey, why even put this out for public consumption? I think its a strange way to mention the fact their camo was used in a movie. Its cool that they have been used in a lot of movies, but I don’t give a rats ass about their long winded explanation of why they aren’t going to work with the movie Biz anymore.

    • z0phi3l says:

      It’s not douchy of them, it’s douchy of the film studios doing all they can to screw over a company that went out of their way to provide a product

      Good on them for calling them out for the parasites they are

    • That Guy says:

      1) The box office of the project is none of your business. Did you come into the project assuming it would be a big flop and price your wares accordingly?
      The film model of “do this for us now, you’ll love the payoff a year later” is laughable.

      2) Where does the litigious crap come from? They buy camo? They use as intended (camouflaging)? You’ll be better off waiting for someone to try to steal your moon helium.

      3) If the size of a movie order got you through tough times, it must’ve been really tough.

      4) Your whole business claims to excel at getting small runs of patterns into the hands of whoever needs it. A customer is a customer, is this a capability or not?

  7. John says:

    Hyperstealth, or the one-man-with-photoshop company.

    I’m always amazed whenever they release anything.

    • That Guy says:


      • Phil says:


        the one company SSD should seriously stop covering, it’s simply beneath them.

        • Carlos says:


        • balais says:

          Speaking of which, the silence from Guy Cramer has been deafening following the adoption and standardization of OCP.

          I think its funnier than hell. We heard nothing but marketing propaganda and borderline pseudoscientific piles comprised of questionable materials as to why “the army should adopt HIS pattern”.

          That reminds me. Im curious what wonders “QUANTUM!” stealth offers (wtf is it with that word ‘quantum’ and questionable people making questionable claims?)

          • majrod says:

            Comments since OCP? No less deafening than Caleb Crye who has a heck of lot more dog in that fight…

            Pseudoscientific? Specifics?

            What “science” are you relying on to inform you about camo effectiveness? The released results from the Phase IV competition that explains the Army’s decision? Oh wait, those never got released.

            Yep, hyperstealth marketed their stuff. That’s a surprise?

            Why all the anger/ill will towards a company?

            • Phil says:

              because of Cramer’s shady character

            • balais says:

              Im not angry at hyperstealth, I think the situation is rather amusing considering the depth Cramer went through to explain why his camo should be selected and why it is better. It was published here.

              Despite the throwing out of the woods “quantum” and numerous other examples of technocratic babble, it is not demonstrated his camo was any better. At least, the existing evidence doesn’t conclude this is the case (and its limited from a civilian side, since I have no insider information or any other privileges like that).

              But hey, its entertaining for the folks that believe patterns printed on a material (in earth tone color, which become soiled in the environment they’re in) will actually determine the outcome of battles or not compared to other equivalent patterns.

              I mean holy shit. what did we do back when we didn’t have pixelated camo!?

              • majrod says:

                I’m familiar with Cramer’s essays published here. I guess SSD thought they were worthwhile…

                You do realize vendors make the case for their products? FN FAL competed against the M14. The Army selected the M14. There remains a lively debate over which rifle is better.

                “it is not demonstrated his camo was any better.” Again, evidence? The results were never published and just because the Army selects something it doesn’t mean it’s the best product. Heard of UCP?

                “Throwing out” quantum? You mean how light particles are being bent around fabric to hide what’s behind the fabric making it look like the tree you’re standing in front of appears to be in two places? That’s similar to the “quantum” physics phenomena of a particle looking like it’s in two places at once. It’s called quantum entanglement. Because one doesn’t know the science it doesn’t mean it’s being mentioned or used improperly.

                Who is saying camouflage will determine the outcome of battles? I’m jealous. The voices are only talking to you again. 🙂

                Yes, some make too much of camo. These are the camo fashionistas but I don’t see many of their posts in this story or thread.

                • balais says:

                  Yeah throwing out quantum, despite the idea of light bending fabrics being pure sci-fi currently. “Quantum” is a red flag word often used by those that have no concept of what “quantum” actually is (in a scientific context), instead, using it to woo and amaze bypassers.

                  Im not convinced of their “quantum stealth”. Not even close.

                  And no, i have no evidence that its worse or better than the contenders. I just choose to disbelieve the hype and marketing behind US4CES.

                  “Who is saying camouflage will determine the outcome of battles? I’m jealous.”

                  LOL pretty much every nation adopting new patterns to replace existing patterns for no other basis besides trying to reinvent the wheel.

                  And of course the shiesters marketing the stuff. Cant forget those (i.e. Cramer)

        • m5 says:


          This “one-man-with-photoshop company” designed a camouflage pattern that made it to the finals of the most rigorous camo selection effort to date (US Army camo selection, phase IV). If this doesn’t imply that the company is seriously capable in camouflage, then what would?

          Never mind elaborate studies, we have ‘John’, ‘That Guy’, ‘Phil’ and ‘M5’ who know better. Sic.

          • majrod says:

            well said…

            I don’t like the way certain folks say things but that doesn’t eliminate the truth behind what they are saying.

            Some will let their emotion get the best of them and go after the messenger instead of the message. Sometimes it’s the way things are said that bother them. Other times it’s they don’t like the truth. For some it’s both.

            Look at Trump…

    • Mark says:


  8. Don John says:

    To be honest, I was gunning for US4CES to win the Phase IV competition. I always found it to be better than Marpat and AOR and gave the Army the bookends they required.

    Nevertheless, I am not in business but was a business major for some years in college and I learned to never bite the hand that feeds you. You never know what may happen to your primary clientele.

  9. MRE spoon says:

    Seems like Hyperstealth may have to spend the rest of days eye ballin’ Hollywood to make sure ‘said patterns’ are no longer being used without their consent.

    • That Guy says:

      You don’t need their consent, just a receipt and to be using the product as intended. Plenty of precedent there, and you’d have to prove damages.

      Now, since there is no Hyperstealth sitting on a shelf, anywhere, of course you would need their consent to produce it for you in the first place.

      With the camo market having literally more options than EVER, I can’t imagine this release doing anything other than making every other camo manufacturer aware of some exposure opportunities, all they have to do is be easier to work with than Hyperstealth, which appears to be a easy task.

      Also, if this isn’t a warning that no production should ever so much as call or send a simple inquiry to these guys, I don’t know what is. Red Flag.

  10. James Francis says:

    Considering US4CES wasn’t adopted you’d think they wouldn’t be trying to burn any bridges. Hollywood sells, no matter how you feel about it. How many S&W .44’s sold when Dirty Harry packed it, or Walther PPK’s, or mini-14’s from the A-Team. Why the big announcement? If they dont want to make special arrangements then let Hollywood prop people get it retail. The point is this is unnecessary, it gains them nothing and might just cost them some side business when the range commandos want the camo they just saw in the movies.

  11. ReverendSpecialK says:

    Whatever happened with this? It’s been well over a year and there still hasn’t been the slightest information on it.

    You’d think such a revolutionary product would have been out by now making millions.

    • balais says:

      Probably because it is woo woo bullshit. Just my 2 cents and I hope to be proven wrong. That and the ion generator.

      • ReverendSpecialK says:

        I don’t think we’ll ever see anything tangible with “Quantum Stealth” or “Invisib” for someone who likes to sue people at the drop of a hat they’d be putting out a cash cow like this in an instant; they must have a patent by now.

        That ion generator, haha.

  12. That Guy says:

    Maybe he’s waiting for his moon helium money to bring this whole thing together… (google it)

    Or maybe, just maybe, Hyperstealth is a camo troll.

  13. Darrel says:

    Hyperstealth are a bunch if thieves, polluting the market with crap and restricting the future development of functional camouflage. I couldn’t care less what happens to them, I hope they tank and take Guy Cramer with them.

    There’s a few companies in the gear industry that literally disgust me. One of them is 5.11 tactical, and the other is Hyperstealth,

  14. That Guy says:

    Really surprised Mr. Cramer hasn’t chimed-in to defend this BS non-release. Can’t imagine he’s too busy…

  15. Matsucorp says:

    A few things come to mind… for me at least.

    I’m an artisan and prop maker, but I only work for private collectors, institutions and museums. Movie makers big and small are a surly bunch and I learned a long time ago not to trust them; and for the love of all things holy never accept “exposure” for good honest work!

    Hollywood et-al don’t give a rats ass if they loose a vendor. Never did, never will!

    Following that, (admittedly I am not familiar with Hyperstealth’s past “behavior”) but I will say this “release” seems somewhat self indulgent.