SIG SAUER - Never Settle

FirstSpear Friday Focus – E&R Waist Bag

In last week’s FirstSpear Friday Focus we have you a little taste of their new take on the traditional E&R Waist Bag. You may recall the photos of it attached directly to the Joker rig and that versatility is just one of the things that sets this E&R Waist Bag apart from the many “fanny packs” seen on the market.


For years, these simple waist packs have been worn slung just below body armor, in the front and filled with last ditch items like medical gear and SERE items. Even if the wearer cutaway all of the rest of his equipment, he’d still have his E&R bag. Some even added soft armor to protect their “package” from IED threats.

In addition to being worn via its integral waist strap, the E&R Waist Pack can be secured directly to your belt or load carrying rig with a 2-point QD buckle configuration.

Shock cord mounted on the top provides a quick stash point for a tourniquet, Eye Pro or other gear you need at hand.

There are four different zippered compartments as well as a removable top flap stiffener. Additionally, the E&R Waist Bag incorporates drainage for maritime ops or just crossing a river.

Available in Black, Coyote, Ranger Green, MultiCam and my favorite, two-tone Grey/Rust. Imagine that you could use the two-tone model even after ditching your gear in order to blend in with a civilian environment.


5 Responses to “FirstSpear Friday Focus – E&R Waist Bag”

  1. Riceball says:

    So it’s something like a cross between an old school fanny pack and the old butt packs you used to be able to get back in the old 782 gear days? Looks pretty nice, and if it wasn’t too pricey it would be something that I’d consider getting if I were still in.

  2. Griffin says:

    looks like a redone emdom recon waist bag…

    • SSD says:

      You might want to ask them where that design came from.

      • MM says:

        IIRC, the overall shape and size of the EMDOM one was inspired by the Eagle FSBE fanny pack. It’s been so long I can’t remember exactly, but I believe that’s the case. EMDOM wanted to make one with more features like MOLLE on the back and detachable waist straps, so they did.
        But going back even further, I had a regular commercial fanny pack of very similar design way before any tactical company adopted them.

  3. Nice to see a fanny pack. I know the ‘net peanut galley usually have a few choice works but a fanny pack is one on the best items out there for whatever “gray man” idea you may subscribe to.

    I’m a 6’5″ white dude. I can go a lot of places OCONUS with a fanny pack and a light shirt with a digital camera around my neck and blend right in.