SureFire XC3

Malaysian National Service Youth Corps Camouflage

Just in case you thought your camouflage was bad, there’s always this.
h/t to Bad Camo

29 Responses to “Malaysian National Service Youth Corps Camouflage”

  1. Richard says:

    O, I get it.

    Berets On / Glasses Off = Rifles Down

    Berets Off / Glasses On = Rifles Up


    Someone alert the Boy Scouts.

  2. Aqua says:

    I don’t always wear bad camouflage, but when I do, I keep my finger on the trigger.

  3. Philip says:

    Interesting pattern but hard on the eyes… reminiscent of a shower curtain!

  4. Disco says:

    Shootin at the walls of heartache
    Bang bang
    I am the warrior

    If you don’t remember that video then you’re not old enough to get the joke

  5. Agentofwrath says:

    Groovy baby Austin Powers approves!!!

  6. Brett says:

    Please, don’t let the Air Force brass see this! >.<

  7. Brian says:

    I hear that’s the new pattern Navy is adopting:p

    • Siege12B says:

      Sad part is that if you removed the white, it would basically be striped Navy-flage…

  8. SSDD says:

    Now we know where the $$$ from 1MDB came from!

  9. fritz bousigschouer says:

    that is sure double use, for theyr “training’ and then as a pyjama.

  10. straps says:

    Back in the 1980s I worked at a gym that made me wear Zubaz in a print like that.

    I’m curious to know what stage of training these tykes are in.

    • Dev says:

      There isn’t any (relevant) military training involved whatsoever. The rotten government is afraid that it may potentially ready individuals for a coup.

      The main objective of this whole sordid program is to instill loyalty and patriotism for the ruling regime. Zero life-applicable skills are taught. It’s also a program used as a vehicle for more cronyism and corruption opportunities. Selection is random as there isn’t enough money to go around to make it compulsory for everyone.

      So yeah tl;dr this isn’t a “national service” on par on say, neighbouring Singapore where individuals are actually taught soldiering skills that are needed in a professional setting or environment. Looking back, thank fuck I wasn’t selected .

      Sauce? Grew up in Malaysia, currently residing and serving in Australia.

  11. bulldog76 says:

    street fighter camo ?

  12. That Guy says:

    I think everyone is avoiding anything that could possibly get them a Hyperstealth lawsuit.

  13. BCP says:

    Snake Pliskin just called…

  14. Stefan S. says:

    SHHHHHH! PEO soldier might get bonked by the Good Idea Fairy again!

  15. Mike Mike says:

    I think you meant to say DISCO instead of CAMO…it happens!!! This a Malaysian Boy Band promo shoot. They are topping the charts throughout the south pacific. C’mon guys!!!!

  16. reader says:

    You only get to fire one magazine over the entire course of 3 months national service, and you don’t get fit for national service, you get fat because they served you 5 meals a day everyday there.