FirstSpear TV

Steve Reichert Training – SRT Ballistics Course


The SRT ballistics course is a full 8+ hour course that immerses the student in every aspect of bullets in flight. This course is a very intense and in depth dive into what very few people fully understand. The instructor for this course is Dr. Lyman Hazelton.

Dr. Hazelton has served as a faculty research scientist at the Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Science of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His work as a Project Scientist and acting Principal Investigator, he led a team from MIT and the NASA Ames Research Laboratory to create a computer system to provide astronauts with AI based scientific assistance, the “PI-in-a-Box” experiment. The experiment successfully flew on SLS-2 (STS-58).

Following this mission, he headed the design team for the onboard science computer system (hardware and software) for the Chandra X-ray Observatory CCD Imaging Spectrometer. Dr. Hazelton has done previous work in lasers, holography, spectroscopy, and plasma physics. He has fifteen published scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, and has delivered numerous presentations at national scientific meetings. His “PI-in-a-Box” project won a NASA Presidential Commercial Space Act Award and he has received personal certificates of recognition from NASA and the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. He holds an Interdepartmental (dual) doctorate of philosophy in Aeronautics and Astronautics and in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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2 Responses to “Steve Reichert Training – SRT Ballistics Course”

  1. T.H says:

    WOW, a real life Rocket Scientist teaching ballistics! Talk about a resume to be proud of!

    • mark says:

      Yeah that’s really something you don’t see every day. I’m sure it’s going to be a fascinating course.