SIG MMG 338 Program Series

SurfCityParacord – M-550 Pro Survival Grenade

M-550 Pro Survival Grenade

Don’t let the look of the M-550 Pro Survival Grenade fool you, it’s a pretty extensive survival kit. Aside from containing up to 50′ of 550 paracord, along with 2′ of orange safety 95 paracord, which form the body of the grenade, it also contains the following items:

M-550 Pro Survival Grenade Item List

  • 4′ of Jute Twine
  • 30′ of Fishing Line
  • 4 Fish Hooks
  • Wire Saw
  • 2 Storm Proof Matches
  • 6 Water Proof Matches w/ Striker
  • Whistle Buckle
  • 4 Split Shot Weights
  • Butterfly Sutures
  • 2 Split Rings
  • Needle and Thread
  • Button Compass
  • Aluminum Foil Sheet
  • 2 Bobby Pins
  • LED Flashlight
  • Mini Folding Knife
  • 4 Water Purification Tablets
  • 8′ of Military Grade Trip Wire
  • Pure Napkin Tablet
  • Razor Blade
  • 2 Safety Pins
  • Universal Handcuff Key
  • Ferrocerium Fire Starting Toggle
  • Dog Tag Signal Mirror
  • Flint Striker


    9 Responses to “SurfCityParacord – M-550 Pro Survival Grenade”

    1. Ronald W. McVan says:

      They should include a non lubricated condom for use as a water bottle.

      • Gregg says:

        Thanks Ronald, that’s a great idea. There is a sheet of aluminum foil that can be molded into a cup, but the condom idea is great. I’ll add those in the next revision we’re working on. Thanks guys for posting this.

        • PJ says:

          Why not a small plastic bag instead? Condoms are hard to fill and really don’t hold that much water if it’s taken out of a natural source. You need pressure to really fill them and you aren’t gonna get if out of a lake or stream.

          • Jon, OPT says:

            The reason most people use a condom is it is sealed and wrapped in a sterile manner like medical supplies. Doing so with a plastic bag would work just as well, but cost may be higher and product bulkier.

            Jon, OPT

    2. JS says:

      great concept!!!

    3. OC Tactical says:

      Just down the street in HB, you guys have a shop I can stop by?