SIG SAUER - Never Settle

DSEI – Suited Systems

Suited Systems is a Latvian manufacturer of clothing and load carriage solutions.


Seen above are examples of the Tref (hot weather), Combat and Insulated Cold Weather uniforms.


Interestingly, they refer to their garments by level numbers in a similar fashion to PCU and ECWCS GEN III. For instance, the smock is referred to as Level 5. You can also see the interesting pocket flaps used on both jackets and trousers.


The Tref Combat Short is actually referred to as Level 1 so the Suited Solutions level nomenclature doesnt exactly mirror US use.


In addition to these colors, Suited Solutions covers almost everyone’s needs including Coyote, MultiCam, Olive, Black, and Navy Blue. If that’s not enough, they also offer user specified options.

8 Responses to “DSEI – Suited Systems”

  1. says:

    Shame some of the designs are ripped off from NFM

    • Lasse says:

      They are not really doing a good job at it if they are copying NFM…
      Other than the pocket on the combat shirt that looks pretty similar, what exactly is copied? NFM didn’t come up with the modern smock design, combat shirt or JIBs.
      And, NFM isn’t the holy grail of innovative designs… Look at their new THOR vest and tell me that isn’t an MAR CIRAS. Hell, NFM started pretty much by copying the Arktis Gen Ops vests back in late 90s which is what made them popular.

  2. Willis Bee says:

    Possibly my last post, and subsequent viewing, of this website. I’ll admit, SSD intrigued me for a while. The U.S. military fabric / textile base is taking it in the shorts right now and you want to feature foreign made textiles ? Almost daily, you post a buy one, get one free sale or 50% off blowout for manufacturer’s load-bearing vests and mag pouches, etc. I am sure these are meant to off-load excess inventory, and I’m sure their distributors aren’t happy with the direct to consumer overstock sales, if they too, have excess stock. These manuf’s don’t need anymore foreign made textiles crowding the mix.

    • bob says:

      If they cant compete with overseas manufacturing they should go out of business

      • Dellis says:

        I would disagree. American made is what I always try to look for first when shopping, even if it means paying more.

        Now American made product makers can not compete with most oversea products because our government penalizes (they call it taxes) American business for doing business up the fricken poop shoot!!

        Texas makes it a business friendly place which is why New York is sucking wind right now in that area. Notice the TV and radio spots advertising the perks Texas has been offering? For corporations it’s all about bottom line dollar. How can they make more profit and pay less out?!

        Some people call that evil and immoral. Others call it the best system ever invented.

        If I ran my business like the government runs the fricken post office I would not have a business. Ever read the reviews on Google about your local post office? So we need MORE private run business and the way that atmosphere is created is by our government not being so damn greedy.

        So yes American business can and should compete with oversea production…if they were allowed to do so.

        • Strike-Hold says:

          I fail to see how SSD covering foreign-made products designed for foreign buyers attending a foreign trade expo is somehow doing harm to the domestic textile and tactical gear & clothing industries….

  3. Jon, OPT says:

    It’s good to see the stuff that doesn’t make it across the pond on display, keep it coming! Is there any Arktis at this venue? Any Brit belt order stuff?

    Jon, OPT