
If This Doesn’t Wake You Up, I Don’t Know What Will

Behold Daredevil Graham Dickinson as he flies his wingsuit down a mountain in France. The video was captured by his friend Dario.

14 Responses to “If This Doesn’t Wake You Up, I Don’t Know What Will”

  1. Agentofwrath says:

    Ain’t no way…..

  2. Dan says:

    How’s the landing?

  3. cimg says:

    Awesome, looks like CGI from a movie.

  4. Ipkiss says:

    @Dan: chute. google dreamlines by Okke Sommer for more intense vids

    I still wonder why Haley hasn’t tried this out yet. Dynamic insertions into disruptive environments or something among those lines.

    • Bill says:

      It could also be a disruptive insertion into a dynamic environment of pink mist in which the lander looks like a big smear of cat food afterwards.

      Sorry, I have associates who’ve had to clean up after escapades like these. It’s all fun and games until you have to notify the NOK.

      • Joe says:

        You only see the videos where they survive. There’s got to be a treasure trove of first person snuff videos somewheres

  5. Bill says:

    I think wingsuiters are the only fliers where your first lesson is a solo.

    This civilian tandem parachuting thing is for wimps. My first jump in the late 70’s was static line and I managed to sprain my ankle all by myself.

    • Tim says:

      This is a BASE video, not a skydive video. You may want to check out There are a few ways to do your first skydive “solo”, or without doing a tandem. You’re also not supposed to do a wingsuit jump until you have at least 200 skydives. However, this is for skydiving and does not apply to BASE jumping.

      • Bill says:

        I decided that jumping out of perfectly functional aircraft wasn’t for me. I’m still “interested” in high performance parachuting like Stratos, HAHO and HALO, but I’ll let somebody else take the Big Step. A man’s got to know his limitations, and mine is collapsing in front of people while soaked with piss and puke.

        There’s a new documentary on the Piantanida attempted altitude record on Netflix that’s pretty decent, and cites the author of the book “Magnificent Failure.”

        Just read yesterday that Forest Service smokejumpers will start cycling in ram-air chutes in place of the traditional round canopies.

  6. Stone Hands says:

    Great Video! Not a chance you’d catch me doing that. I agree with Bill “Pink Mist”

  7. ACME Inc says:

    We sold a similar suit to a Mr. Wile E. Coyote. Never got a review from him… strange.