
AUSA – FirstSpear

FirstSpear is displaying their wares in the Point Blank booth.   


8 Responses to “AUSA – FirstSpear”

  1. Filthy|Astronaut says:

    Slim Shady jungle gat.

    • AlexC says:

      Is it just me or is the battery compartment for his optic blocking the view of his red dot sight?

      • Kemp says:

        The perspective is flattened – the rmr sticks out significantly further from the bore than the battery compartiment.

  2. Joe Flowers says:

    First thing I noticed–how can he see the RMR over the battery tube?!? It’s not as bad as putting rounds in the magazine backwards, but it makes you go “hrmmmm”.

  3. Riceball says:

    The model they used reminds of one of the guys from the original Predator, the skinny guy who looked out of place compared to Arnold and the others.

  4. Bill says:

    Does this imply a partnership between the two companies?

    • CRH says:

      I think Bill is on to something, while its cute to talk about optic placement on a gun in a booth back drop, the bigger mystery is why Is First Spear even in a point blank booth to begin with? Seems like a huge conflict of interest considering Point Blank does its own armor carriers, and since First Spear was working with Renegade Armor for the last few years. Hmmmm, somethings definitely afoot here….