Protact by Haartz

Trident Concepts – The Blue Pill

The title is a reference to the scene in The Matrix where the main character is awoken to reality. I like to use this reference when someone I know “wakes” up to our reality as it relates to Islamic terrorism.


The world has become so politically correct these days we are afraid to ask questions or speak the truth. We are afraid of being labeled, labels such as racist and Islamophobic. The truth is the answer to many of our problems, we need to seek the truth whenever possible then share what we have learned so others can see the same thing. There is no right or wrong to the truth, however the way we choose to look at it can have a right or wrong viewpoint. Recently I had an intense conversation with a close friend, someone I have known for years. They have not shared my views prior, but it was like a damn had burst.


I have been lucky to have seen the truth behind many of these terrorist organizations overseas. The oppression, cruelty and fear is real, ask any of us who have been overseas to share their experiences. I can vividly recall being asked to speak at a formal engagement about my experiences in Afghanistan. I was leery at first, but believed it was important the world know our efforts at the time were hugely successful. I didn’t know what to really talk about so I discussed what I saw and in particular the women. From the first to the last deployment I made I saw incremental changes to how women acted. There was fear in the beginning, fear we would abandon them, then as we had more success on the battlefield they slowly moved to more freedoms. These freedoms were concrete and started with their attire. In the beginning it was full on Burkas, then walking alone, then head pieces only, then I can recall seeing a women dressed in western business clothes walking freely in Kabul’s business district. Before our arrival this would have NEVER happened, but it was a testament to our success.


Back to our friend, when they “awoke” and realized the clear and present danger Islamic terrorism present to our way of life it was very scary. It’s like being in a coma all your life and when you wake up everything is different. I tried to ask them to pinpoint the singular event that was the genesis to their awakening. They had to think about this since they had spent a huge amount of time researching and discovering the truth. When they got back to me, this article, “Why Islam is More Dangerous than other Religions” stuck out as being a pivotal point. I encourage folks to read the article, this information and thousands of others like it are out there. It has nothing to do with political correctness, political correctness is an insidious ally to the fundamental deconstruction of our way of life and I refuse to be PC. You don’t have to like what you learn, but you must acknowledge it as truth.


After reading the article and discussing it with them I suggested they read a few books that gave amazingly clear view of the dangers we face. The first was a New York Times best seller and entitled The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam. This was a great read and one of the best statements made on the book came from Andrew G. Bostom of the American Thinker,

“Robert Spencer’s The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) is a very readable, highly informed critique of living Islamic institutions and historical practices incompatible with modern constructs of human rights, and peaceful international relations. One hopes his trenchant observations will motivate the public to cajole media and policymaking elites into initiating a candid discussion of Islam—a discussion these elites have thus far scrupulously avoided.”

Another book I found very interesting and got to listen to her speak was from Bridgett Gabriel entitled Because they Hate, a first person account of growing up in Lebanon and having to witness the atrocities of that time period. Much of which are not known to the public. Her views are brutally honest and difficult to dismiss. I strongly encourage folks to read both these titles and research on your own if you have doubts as to the dangerous position we are in as a country. Our way of life is currently under attack, there is no other way to put it and if we do not take action now it may have dire consequences for generations to come.

We cannot be afraid to seek the truth, to speak the truth and take action to protect our way of life. We are at war, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.

I am politically incorrect, that’s true. Political correctness to me is just intellectual terrorism. I find that really scary, and I won’t be intimidated into changing my mind. Everyone isn’t going to love you all the time. Mel Gibson, Actor

This OpEd was written by my friend Jeff Gonzales of Trident Concepts and shared at his request.


22 Responses to “Trident Concepts – The Blue Pill”

  1. Roy Woodall says:

    It is true that political correctness has made liars out of all of us.

  2. Thanks Eric, really appreciate it!

  3. Justin says:

    There are many problems labeling a religion as a whole “dangerous”, and not in any PC garbage way. It is important we draw lines and separate those who are practitioners of Islam, those who seek Sharia law implementation in their homes and communities, and the extremists that seek external Jihad on anyone disapproving of Islam or Sharia.
    There are LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of Muslims that are practitioners of Islam that have no wish to implement the barbarism of Sharia in their lives. They live fully western lives and life is good.
    The ones that want to implement Sharia in their lives, in some aspects fine. So long as their life still abides by the laws of the nation, state, and city in which they live. For example if a husband wishes his wife to wear a full burka, so be it. However, if she chooses not to and he hits her, he will go to jail for domestic abuse. If a bank refuses to let her in because the burka hides all features and is a security threat, so be it. That decision is not due to religion but due to security. The USA was sought to be a place of religious freedom and though we mat disagree, it is their right. But as I stated, the laws that are created with the intent of a fair life regardless of sex, race, and religion are the way of the land. If they disagree with that they can migrate somewhere more appealing to their beliefs.
    Lastly, as far as the extremists. It is a very complex issue, surrounded by a lack of education, poverty, and many other variables. Those actively seeking to harm the west or individuals should be dealt a lead deck of cards. However, more proactive measures for a long term solution are needed.
    Just remember, you may have taken the blue threat and now understand the threat is a potential danger, but don’t drink the Kool aid. Labeling an entire religion with over 1.2 Billion people is absurd.
    Sorry for the rant but it had to be done.

    • Patrick says:

      You make some good points, and I am not trying to be argumentative just for the sake of it, but there are a few things you said that I would kind of take exception to.

      “If a bank refuses to let her in because the burka hides all features and is a security threat, so be it.” But what happens when she has to get in the bank? Really has to get in. One of those two things (either the burka or the security) is going to have to be set aside. And in today’s PC climate, which one do you think it’s going to be? Dollars to doughnuts, it’s security that’s going to take the hit, every. single. time. And once you’ve sacrificed a societal law for a religious law, you’re on a very slippery slope.

      Also: “If they disagree with that they can migrate somewhere more appealing to their beliefs.” I hate when people say this, because I think we all know this isn’t going to happen. Like “I swear, if Hillary gets elected, I am moving to Canada.” Umm, no, you’re not. I get the point you are trying to make, but no one is uprooting their life over something like that.

      Just my thoughts.

    • Dev says:


      I don’t think you understand Islam at its most basic. Not to make this into a theological discussion, but the word Islam already mean “to submit” and you may find it hard to believe but a “liberal” and “progressive” Muslim is considered to be even worse than a kaffir or non believer by those that consider themselves to be true believers. Islam from it’s foundations are not compatible with modern 21st century laws and lifestyle, and rather than make it more progressive (eg John Wycliffe, John Huss, Martin Luther) over the years it’s actually drifting closer and closer to the conservative roots.

      The liberal Muslims are getting less and less influential in this world and they’re doing nothing to stop their more fundamental brethren, not to mention the whole siege “us vs them” mentality whenever there is outside criticism of their kin. Contrast this with say situations when the Vatican tries to obfuscate or male excuses when its clergy commits crimes in the secular world. It’s hard to instil a sense of worldy justice to people who do not believe they should answer to anybody but God (who may or may not exist) much less ideas like democracy and equality.

      Having lived and grown up in what can perhaps be considered a liberal Muslim country, I’m well aware of the dangers of Islamic fundamentalism. No kool aid drinking or listening to talk back shock jocks needed.

      • Justin says:

        While I do not have the experience of growing up in a Muslim country, some of my closest childhood friends are Muslim. I’ve had long discussions with them, their families, and their friends. Based on these experiences I believe most Muslims live within what are considered normal behaviors for their region. Just like every other religion or demographic of people. Sure if it is an Islamic country, yes their will be more tendencies toward Sharia. However, in those countries that are more developed in the Muslim world, you see much more inclination toward western styled civilization. Can it clash with their faith, sure. In the same way tattoos are forbidden in Christianity. People live with different interpretations, and even outright rejection of specific content. The whole issue is much more complex than saying, “you are Muslim. Therefore, you want holy war against anyone opposing your views”. I don’t use Jihad as the term because the extremists have stolen the word from the Islamic people. It really is a word based off an internal struggle with Allah, or their faith. It has nothing to do with a holy war. I am not saying those people do not exist, but they are a very small minority.
        If you truly believe all, most or even a quarter Muslims are extremists, I feel sorry for you. You have clearly closed your mind off.
        As far as their liberal population not stopping their extremists, just remember. The revolutionary war was fought by approximately three yes three percent of the american population against the British. The extremists get the headlines, and those trying to be proactive are left to build their following on their own.

        • Dev says:

          I somewhat agree with what you’re saying, and it’s for the better that government is as secular as possible. Religion and politics really don’t mix. Yes the whole issue is a lot more complex than that and I’m not for once saying that every religious practioner is an extremist but you really cannot deny that the increasingly vocal minority is not being denounced by their own more liberal and progressive kin nor is there enough being done by their own to help solve the issues. I’ve seen with my own eyes and experienced in my own life that the populations are being polarised and proselytized into extremist faith, usually based on false premises. That is a danger that the secular and progressive world seem to be unaware of and sleepwalking into.

          Have you ever had the opportunity to ask your Muslim friends what they are doing to help their community prevent radicalization from happening, understanding the dangers of Islamic fundamentalism? It seems like most communities are not happy to discuss this elephant in the room much less tackle the issue especially in accordance with the relevant authorities.

          While the majority of the world’s religions and politics have moved on from shedding blood for the sake of political gain under pretense of religion or even shedding blood just for the sake of religion, Abrahamic religions seem unable to shake off that unfortunate legacy.

        • majrod says:

          “As far as their liberal population not stopping their extremists, just remember. The revolutionary war was fought by approximately three yes three percent of the american population against the British. The extremists get the headlines, and those trying to be proactive are left to build their following on their own.”

          3% of a billion is 30 million….

          There may be hundreds of millions of Muslims that don’t agree. Why is it we have to send hundreds of thousands of troops to fight their brethren?

          I can understand not wanting to stereotype an entire segment of the world. That’s not fair. Neither is ignoring what that same segment is not doing to police their own.

      • Bill says:

        You can’t have a discussion about theology without it being a theological discussion. I can recall being at the baptism of a very fundamentalist friend when those exact words – “submit to the Lord” were used.

    • Every Abrahamic religion has nutjobs and weirdos. Religions as a whole are dangerous, it is up to us as an evolving species to balance that spirituality with commin sense and rationality.

  4. Fernando says:

    I’m sorry but labeling your opinion “truth” doesn’t make it fact. Labeling Islamic religious fundamentalists as terrorists is not a problem, but saying then than Islamophobia is some pc term is extrapolation. Islamophobia is a thing, it does exist. A dear friend of mine is from Kuwait. He no longer comes visit because he’s targeted (mainly by TSA officials) because of his name and religion. That is Islamophobia. He argues (rightly) that if Islam really was about what the fundamentalists want, there’s about 1.2 billion of them, we’d be living in the caliphate already. And I can relate, I was born and raised in Colombia, and for a very long time I was a drug mule at every airport I ever visited. Did that make it wrong to label Pablo Escobar and the Medellin Cartel criminal, terrorists organizations? No. But it certainly isn’t an excuse for discrimination.

  5. Ash says:

    While I will agree that Mel Gibson knows story structure, using a quote of his as an endorsement for viewing an entire demographic as a threat is like quoting Bill Cosby at the end of an article about American men facing unreasonable scrutiny in the realm of sexual assault: it’s the endorsement the article deserves.

  6. zig zag says:

    There are far more attacks by right wing patriotic christians in the US than by islamic jihadists. And the main reason americans are now a target of jihadists is because of the US government’s ongoing invasions, interventions, “regime changes” etc throughout the Middle East. Not to mention the US government’s collaboration, funding and arming of these same jihadists beginning with the mujahideen and al-qaeda in Afghanistan in the 1980s, right up to today with the BS in syria and islamic state.

    • "Bob" says:

      “There are far more attacks by right wing patriotic christians in the US than by islamic jihadists.”


      • Dev says:

        How many people are aware of Shiite-Sunni schism, or that the conflict in Palestine / Israel is more than just Muslims vs Jews, when you consider Fatah and Hamas and the Saudis and Iranians?

      • T says:

        Thought so.

      • Bill says:

        The most common extremist attacks in CONUS are committed by environmental extremists, they just don’t tend to kill or injure people. But that doesn’t mean that the Sierra Club or Audubon Society are hotbeds of radicalism.

  7. Brando says:

    Um…okay? The mindset of this post is so…limited.

  8. Shteve-O says:

    I love this conversation! My take: this comes back to the security/freedom pendulum, in which the more security precautions we take (or are taken on our behalf), the more freedoms we sacrifice; and on the other hand, the less security we have, the more our safety – and therefore virtually all freedoms we hold dear – are jeopardized.

    Seems like Jeff has seen the Belly of the Beast, and is sounding an alarm for us, to protect America and American interests (and our allies around the world). And I appreciate his patriotism, and honesty on his perspective. On the other hand, others are getting a basic tenet of American values, freedom – which includes freedom of religion among other things. With respect, while I agree profiling is useful, I believe each person should be treated as his/her own individual. And we should know that Islamic terrorists pose a much greater threat to Muslims in Muslim countries, than to Americans; therefore it stands to reason that we have alignment of interests with many Muslims in combating Islamic terrorism.

    One final point that is often overlooked – while there is a Pope to speak on behalf of over 1 billion Catholics, there is no centrally respected Islamic leader. (And many of those in positions of power are there due to symbiotic relationships with the regime in power, but that’s a different story.) So on the Arab Street (for example) there’s a lot of outcry about how ISIS (or whoever) is un-Islamic, but most of us don’t hear about that.

  9. Washington says:

    Yeah everything is so politically correct these days, what with anyone free to say literally anything they want at any time on the internet. If only we could go back to the glory days of the suit and tie being a man’s uniform and if you went outside without shaving or cutting your hair you’d get arrested for vagrancy and sexually active women and media considered “indecent” were treated as national security threats, when the newspapers printed whatever story the cops wanted about whatever shady shit they were up to and everyone just dutifully went along with it.

    Nobody is keeping you from being as much of a racist idiot you want to be, the only difference is now people have the means to freely call you out for it, safely, instead of you just being around your dipshit buddies at the barbecue in your hillbilly town, who nod their heads at your dumb racist jokes.

    I’ve yet to see anyone crying about “political correctness” who wasn’t actually just crying about having to hear from and interact with people who actually live lives outside the conservative straight white male spectrum.

  10. Keep telling it like it is Jeff. Well done as always! – Vic