FirstSpear TV

High Angle Solutions – CTOMS – TRACE System Training


When we first development TRACE Systems we realized that if traditional rigging rules were applied, it could create unsafe conditions. For example, if you tie a knot in a rope that’s been cycled 100 times, the strength reduction of the rope comes quite close to the load limiting slip force of a wet well used rope, risking catastrophic failure should dynamic force be applied to it. There is a rule with TRACE Systems of no knots (with certain exceptions), however this is contrary to common rigging practices.

Additionally, TRACE Systems is not cheap, and because of that, we feared that in an effort to try to save money, some end users may try to use different rope, even 6mm accessory cord in the devices. Testing has proven catastrophic failures at very low forces with alternate ropes (see:


We had to come up with a means to provide training to end users of the kits that was accessible and cost effective.

Using our online Learning Management System (LMS), we built a course that is accessible anywhere you have an internet connection. Access to the course now comes with the purchase of every TRACE Systems Kit that contains a QD and rope.


This basic online course allows the end user to work through and learn the safe basic use of TRACE Systems at their own time and pace.

The online course covers a basic physics review, the differences in traditional and TRACE Systems, in depth details about the rope and devices, including inspecting them for serviceability, testing videos including with third party components and sharp edge falls, and instructions on how to rappel, ascend, lower and haul.


CTOMS is currently working on 3 advanced modules: Alpine, Climbing and Rescue which will require mandatory practical training from CTOMS or one of their Authorized TRACE Systems Training Providers to follow the online content.

High Angle Solutions is a weekly feature by DMM and CTOMS.


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