TLR-7® X USB // Sidewinder Stalk®

Caption This


69 Responses to “Caption This”

  1. Headache says:

    “Hold my beer for a sec and watch this!”

  2. one&done says:

    Before the Count retied to Sesame Street… ” …10! 10 Mausers…ah…ah…ah!”

  3. Middle Man says:

    “Julius Karl’s new air to air system shall sweep the Nieuports from the skies”

  4. Dellis says:

    Moustache Trim and Wax – $ .85

    Uniform Pressed – $ 2.50

    Purchasing 10 9mm Lugers – $ 13.00 ea.

    Realizing you just loaded 80 rounds of 9×17 ammo into 10 9mm pistols…Priceless!

  5. Mohican says:



  6. Riley says:


  7. Big Juju says:

    Hans shot first.

  8. Weaver says:

    Original inspiration for the MetalStorm line of useless weapons.

  9. Uncle Dan says:

    Lt. Von Biden sat glumly behind the bank of Mauser autopistols, knowing his plan to defend the aircraft with a line of double-barreled shotguns was far superior.
    “If I survive this madness,” he thought. “I shall move to America and my children will rise to power with our thoughts, ideas and beliefs…”

  10. BillC says:

    Metalstorm, Mk1 Mod0

  11. MiamiC70 says:

    nevah been done befa

  12. Big Juju says:

    Hans shot first!