The ParaRescue Association is a private organization (85-0382688) that hosts a bi-annual Pararescue reunion and at the same time sponsors various functions and events surrounding the bi-annual Pararescue (PJ) Rodeo. This year the Pararescue (PJ) Rodeo is being held at Patrick AirForce Base.
The Rodeo events are designed to test the skill, tactics, techniques and procedures the current USAF PJs are employing on the battlefield today.
All funds go to the Para Rescue Association in support of the Pararescue (PJ) Rodeo.
For details, visit www.pjrodeo.com/sponsor-info.
Tags: PJ Rodeo
Am I crazy for having the first thing that comes to mind when Pararescue Rodeo is uttered, is some guy in full combat kit trying to parachute onto the back of an unaware wild horse?