GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Predator Warpaint Now Available for Order

Created by Navy Veteran Nick Norris, Predator Warpaint is a facepaint for both hunter and service member, offering visual camouflage as well as SPF 50 protection.




13 Responses to “Predator Warpaint Now Available for Order”

  1. Bill says:

    Does anyone even face paint anymore? Man I remember light green and loam, or if you had a hook up, light green and sand.

    Time once again to start rocking the Oscar the Grouch ears on libo.

  2. El Guapo says:

    Now that we have effective camo again it’s time to go back to relearn fieldcraft, including camo face paint. I was pretty excited about this product initially, but was hoping for just a light green and a dark green- there’s a bunch of colors there that aren’t really practical and the price is higher than expected. Hopefully they release a cheaper version with just 2 or 3 colors.

  3. We got issued something similar looked like this http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71dt7kewkVL._SL1500_.jpg although I recall it having white in it also. I hope this stuff spreads easier then the stuff we got issued. It reminded me of the old cam paint sticks that you mashed in your face and had to soften it with high DEET bug spray. It was also a pain to remove. Wet Ones didn’t help much.

  4. SloppyJoe says:

    We have been testing this stuff at the army reconnaissance course. So far the feedback has been very positive. Easy to apply, doesn’t feel like you are wearing it, face doesn’t break out, lasts about 12 hours in the GA humidity (not too hot anymore). I will have a more thorough write up when I get more documentation.

  5. bulldog76 says:

    ok where is your shadowing effect coming from i dont see any dark green i see black but i thought black for camo has gone out the window

    • AbnMedOps says:

      You don’t use the dark colors to create a shadow effect. The dark colors are to be applied to high, shiny areas (forehead, cheekbones, nose, chin), and the light colors are applied to the low, shadowed areas (brows, under nose, under lower lips, under chin, etc). The purpose of face camo was/is not to look like a tree, but rather to break up the distinct pattern of shapes and shadows that the mind is trained to recognize as a human face.

  6. SloppyJoe says:

    Gee how do printers work if there are only 3 colors?

  7. Daniel says:

    Hopefully you don’t need a lighter to get this stuff spreadable. I hope it really is a superior product at this price point. Maybe they should show a timed application video vs. other products?

    • james says:

      I remember that! Spin the stick over a lighter, and hope you let it cool just enough to not feel like a cigarette burn!

  8. Theo says:

    Looks great, but I wish they had put DEET in it too.

  9. Paul J says:

    Does it come with pimples or they’ll come after?