
Congratulations Pitti & Deborah

You have a beautiful baby girl!

4 Responses to “Congratulations Pitti & Deborah”

  1. Airborne_fister says:

    Congrats. Don’t know you but I know how much of a joy children are. Question tho. I have a theory. Did one of you serve in the U.S. Army? If so was it the male? My theory is that with all the males whom have served over in Afghanistan or Iraq with all the radio equipment and the Dukes. That we mostly have girls.

  2. Matt says:

    Don’t know the new father and mother but I send my regards. Congratulations on the best gift a person(s) can receive. I have not had the good fortune of being a father, yet (fingers crossed). It’s heartening to families being made. More and more in this country we are seeing the dissolution of the family. I read where almost fifty percent of children are born into single parent households. And we wonder why we are having some of the issues we are having. So, congrats again and may your child grow strong and happy!

  3. nwjeep says:

    Congrats Pitti and family! As if completing the Ironman wasn’t exciting enough, you now have a beautiful new daughter! Best wishes to your family.


  4. Dellis says:

    Congrats on your beautiful baby girl!

    If this is your first, especially daughter, man does it go fast so takes a ton of pictures and video!

    One night they go to sleep, then wake up going to senior prom!