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A Salute To My Fellow Veterans

Thank for your service!

6 Responses to “A Salute To My Fellow Veterans”

  1. usaeod911 says:

    Thank you to all that have served, and that continue the fight. God Bless Us All.

  2. Snakeman says:

    To this day I’m still not comfortable with people thanking me. I was drafted, I didn’t join on my own. Wasn’t even cool to be one when I got out, and rarely spoke of my time in. But things have changed for the better after 9/11. But I do thank all the veterans I meet along the way. They all joined on their own merit, by choice. And with that, a big Thanks to all the past veterans and our current active duty personal.

  3. Badjujuu says:

    SSD. Thank you and thank you for your service not only in uniform but now – I daily appreciate the articles and great research you put on here, as far as the people who visit and comment = God bless most of you becuase your professional insight and input helps us all. This is a great community I am proud to be in it.

  4. Ian says:

    Same to you and thank you for the great reads over the years!

  5. Donovan says:

    Thank you SSD and all the veterans who frequent the site!