RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Milipol 2015

I have literally come directly from Charles De Galle Airport in Paris to the exhibition hall, to begin our 2015 coverage of Milipol. 

5 Responses to “Milipol 2015”

  1. Philip says:

    Love your international coverage.

    How does one get a job like this, traveling the globe to cover gear and trade shows? And here I am sitting at a desk…

  2. Chausser1814 says:

    Any chance of writing an SSD piece on the current security situation in Paris and a general commentary on what is happening and how it is affecting the show and the local population?

    • SSD says:

      I haven’t been anywhere but the airport and show so far. However, several American companies didn’t show up.

      • Chausser1814 says:

        Thank you for your reply. Have a great trip and stay safe. Just a reminder, Thursday is the tapping of this year’s Beaujolais Nouveau, under most other circumstance a great time to be in France.