RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

What The Heck, It’s Sunday, Enjoy Yourselves

By the way, since someone will ask, that’s a AN/PEQ-14 Integrated Laser White Light Pointer mounted to her pistol.

40 Responses to “What The Heck, It’s Sunday, Enjoy Yourselves”

  1. BillC says:

    PEO impresses yet again.

  2. Dellis says:

    I call photoshop, no way an MP is that damn cute!

    • Franco says:

      Thanks!..but I wasn’t an MP. That’s just what they had me wear for this particular photo shoot.

  3. SloppyJoe says:

    I want to waste so much time on how jacked up this is.

    • Jon, OPT says:

      No need, the second that trigger is pulled the Darwinism starts teaching… Possible powder burned cornea, maybe even a slide scar on the cheek, and 10% disability for hearing loss.

      At that point Ms. Half teacup, wrapped thumbs will realize Forrest was right, stupid is as stupid does.

  4. Blake Slamson says:

    From PEO’s Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/peosoldier/16254960906

    WHY DO THEY DO THIS. It’s like they wanted to look bad on purpose.

  5. RayForest says:

    She’s not cute, she’s just not hideous. Once you ETS you will regain the ability to see the middle ground again. As long as you are in you can only see the left and right limits for some reason.

  6. Jon C. says:

    Congrats SSD. Consider my jimmies sufficiently rustled.

  7. P.J. says:

    I’d never seen someone chicken wing with a handgun before. That may actually be the worst form I’ve ever seen from someone who at least should have had some training.

    Also there’s no round in the chamber but still, gun pointed at the camera and it looks like the finger is one the trigger.

  8. Kirk says:

    Am I the only one noticing the Berlin Brigade patch on someone who had to have been in diapers about the time the Brigade shut down? WTF?

    Or, did we just stand the brigade back up, since we’re restarting the Cold War?

    • Mario says:

      It’s memorabilia from her dad. Either that or she borrowed an ACU shirt from a mate Airsofter.

    • SGT Rock says:

      Yeah, I saw that as well. Something is fishy in Denmark.

      • Kirk says:

        Hell, why are they even making the Berlin Brigade patch in minty green, anyway? How many folks can there be who are still authorized that thing as a combat patch, anyway? Maybe a half-dozen, on active duty?

        Someone was telling me that there were only around a couple of hundred or so BB guys and girls who were authorized the patch, from service in Operation Desert Shield/Storm and Provide Comfort.

        How many of them are left, on active duty? She cannot be one of them, unless DA has somehow perfected rejuvenation technology…

        Not to mention, she’s wearing the damn thing as a current SSI…

        PEO Soldier, you are a failure at the task “Pick a reasonably accurate model for photo ops…”.

        • Terry B. says:

          SGT Rock,

          I agree with you and Kirk. BB deactivated in 1994 and I have never heard of any “residual” or reinstated unit that would be authorized to currently wear the patch.

          Likewise, she looks like she is sighting a lensatic compass rather than aiming a pistol. So I’m assuming this is just someone who was dressed up for a photo op.


    • CapnTroy says:

      The photo is from 2006…but I guess that would still be 12 years after the BB shut down…

    • Heath says:

      I was in the BB during the deployment in 1991. B/6-502 IN, Scouts, Mortars, Medics, and some of the staff deployed to Turkey ISO Provide Comfort II. The Company deployed with cross-leveled dudes from A, C, and D Companies. I still wear the patch on the right sleeve sometimes and get a lot of questions about it from the younger kids. Try to think of PEO patch selection as ‘Lorem Ipsum’ text in a sample website or graphic – it’s merely a placeholder. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone behind the scenes of that photo shoot was in Berlin at some point and slipped it in there as a shout-out. There are probably less than a dozen of us left who still serve – the CSIB was released early last year and now I’m waiting for the OCP version of this patch so I can wear it on the new uniform.

  9. Bill in White Plains says:

    She’s no Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones or even Monica. But hey, “Go baby!”

    How’s that PEQ mounted on that M9 anyways? Didn’t think the Army bought M9A1’s.

    Gotta go, Hill just got back from Iowa.

  10. Stefan S. says:

    I retired in 2012. I think I was the last Berlin Brigader with that combat patch left on active duty according to PERSCOM back in 2011.

  11. JKifer says:


  12. Mike says:

    SSD…. Why have you done this? Are you purposely trying to get some of us to have an annuerisym?

    But on a more practical note:


    Yeah, look at that thing…. Hell, forget the girl, I’d probably have to hold that pistol mounted SOFLAM like that just to keep it up!

  13. Matt says:

    I agree that she is most likely an Air Softer. However, with that said, that’s a HMMWV in the back ground. Where did that come from?

  14. Franco says:

    Hey guys,
    This girl is me! The girl in the photo! I was in the Army National Guard for 8 years & got out as an E5. At one point I got to be involved with some of the recruiting media. This photo in particular was taken at a photo shoot for the maker of that pointer. They set my pose up that way but ya, even I thought it came out weird! In the different photo shoots they had me use all kinds of different stuff such as that patch. At other shoots I was a Warrant Officer or Officer etc. Oddly enough my mom came across this posting online! Some of the comments on here are funny & some are flattering;) Just wanted to share what this photo was all about!

  15. james says:

    Don’t let them get to you, you know how us guys are sometimes. Glad you took the time to comment.

    • Franco says:

      My dad is a vet, I served, my sister & her husband still serve, a cousin is serving, my brother in law serves, & my husband is still in. So ya, I know guys get. And actually I do lots of shooting so that they posed me that way & gave the Internet something to WTF about sucks! Lol

      • james says:

        You’re taking it like you should. It’s hard to separate the intitutional stupidity from the people caught up in it. Have a good day SGT.