SureFire XC3

SureFire – Warden Blast Diffuser


SureFire’s Warden Blast Diffuser is a muzzle device designed to direct the concussive blast of the muzzle forward, rather than to the side as found with many muzzle break devices. This not only reduces overpressure and flash felt by others to either side of a shooter’s firing position, but also aids in minimizing dust signature when firing from a prone position. The Warden attaches to any SureFire 5.56 or 7.62 SOCOM muzzle device using the same Fast-Attach system found on the SOCOM suppressor series.


12 Responses to “SureFire – Warden Blast Diffuser”

  1. Shoperator says:

    Call before you order, they are backordered even though you can add to cart and complete the order. I ordered 2 of them and received the backorder email about a week after completing my order.

    • SoloDallas says:

      They are not backordered at BCM. Add them to the cart, check out and get them in the mail right away.

  2. Roy says:

    Is this device considered to be a suppressor? Does it reduce the overall magnitude of sound or does it simply redirect it?

  3. Shoperator says:

    Not a suppressor, projects blast forward. Similar to the Noveske KX.

  4. MiamiC70 says:

    Love mine. Works great and since I have SureFire SOCOM muzzle breaks on all my rifles I can swap back and forth.

  5. Matt says:

    Does it effect the recoil of the firearm?

  6. Jimbo says:

    I got one last week and only have 500rds through it. My most noticeable difference, like the videos, is in low barricades/curb prone. Considerable reduction in tossed salad. I’m keeping it.

  7. Greg says:

    Will this work with the surefire Warcomp? I know it’s not specifically one of the SOCOM muzzle line but figured I’d ask.

  8. BillC says:

    It’s muzzle brake, not break. I hope a muzzle doesn’t break.

  9. bulldog76 says:

    still wiating on the closed tine warcomp …

  10. painless says:

    I wonder if he needs a license for those legs?