TLR-7® X USB // Sidewinder Stalk®



Although it hasn’t even been a month yet, we are pleased with the performance of our new feature Sales.SoldierSystems.Net, a one-stop for the industry’s best deals. Keep checking the page for updates.


A company wishing to announce their sale will click on the “advertise” tab at the top of the site and be guided to an interface which allows them to create their own announcement. A member of the SSD staff will review the sale announcement for fidelity, clarity and applicability and then approve it for publication, a process that will take minutes. Obviously, we feel the need to maintain a “man-in-the-loop” for this process.

Since this feature is so new, and the are so many end of year sales, we’d like to offer limited time coupon code “freeadnewyear” which brings the cost to post a sale announcement to $0. This offer expires 1 January, 2016.

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