B5 Systems

Best Troll of 2016


29 Responses to “Best Troll of 2016”

  1. Erik says:

    Oh that’s good.

  2. BrettW says:

    ………. For The Win!

  3. Bille says:

    Brilliant. 😀

  4. d says:


  5. JF says:

    That guy or gal wins the internet for the year!! Bravo

  6. DSM says:

    That’s rich.

  7. Jack Griffin says:

    “So what if it’s true?!”

  8. Airborne_fister says:

    Best ever.

  9. Disco says:

    Capital work.

  10. Dellis says:

    And the reply was…..?

  11. Cosmo says:

    I urge everyone to go to the ATF’s Facebook page and read the replies to his comment. Particularly the ones involving Becky Solis. You’re welcome 🙂

  12. Geoff says:

    This guy drinks for free.

  13. Aaron says:

    Internet Gold! I’d buy that guy drinks all night long. He Wins the Internet.

  14. Dev says:

    On a side note, he requests that all the “kudos” going his way be diverted to Brian Terry and in his remembrance.

  15. majrod says:


  16. Matt says:

    some ATF REMF got red in face over that and promised retribution. I guarantee it.

    • BillC says:

      Phone call to a friend in the IRS to settle the score. Somebody is getting audited.

  17. Texas-Roll-Over says:


  18. mike says:

    RIP your dog.