GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

SERE – No Cage Is Inescapable

There’s always a way out. Just ask Stoeffel.


7 Responses to “SERE – No Cage Is Inescapable”

  1. This is Stoeffel.

    Stoeffel got tired of being in prison, so he broke out, along with his gal.

    Be like Stoeffel.

  2. Joe says:


  3. Pieter says:

    *Stoffel. “Honey badger don’t care!”

  4. Pieter says:

    *Stoffel “Honey badger don’t care!”

  5. bob says:

    Had the pleasure of meeting this cheeky Ratel last year. He is still pacing back and forth looki g for his next excape.