GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

SureFire Phone Case Giveaway

During SHOT Show we got samples of the new SureFire Phone Case and EarLocks. We have a Phone Case for the Galaxy S5 and one for the iPhone 6/6S as well as EarLocks for the Apple EarPods or standard circular earbuds. Winner must specify which one from each category they want. Products are new in box.  Prize includes phone case and EarLocks as well as SureFire morale patch.

To enter:
1. In the comments section of THIS article on SSD, tell us your favorite SureFire product. Only entries here are eligible to win.
2. Comments are open from now until 2359 Zulu on 27 January, 2016.
3. Use any alias you want to post but be sure to use a valid email address since that’s how we’ll contact the winner.
4. One winner will be selected at random from the comments we receive.
5. One entry per email address. We will delete entries that violate this policy.
6. Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited.


157 Responses to “SureFire Phone Case Giveaway”

  1. Patrick Bateman says:

    Sure fire E2executive. Old school but still works.

  2. J.D. says:

    X300 Ultra. Made me fall out love with my X200

  3. Adam says:

    I’ve been eyeing their Titan mini flashlight lately.

  4. Sean says:

    My surefire E2E that I bought from the mobile px for $34 in Iraq back in 07.

  5. AGENTDAD says:

    It’s a tie between SureFire Sonic Defenders and their CR123 batteries.

  6. MadBomber says:

    The mini scout has been a staple on my kit for years. Can’t go wrong with EP3’s everywhere as well.

    Definitely would love the IPhone 6 case!

  7. charge5 says:

    Still rocking’ my Surefire M951 from Iraq 04!!

  8. Tree8511 says:

    X-300 U with DG switch.

  9. daryl s says:

    SureFire E2D Led Defender Ultra Flashlight

  10. Orion Quach says:

    G2X, hands down my favorite daily carry for me.

  11. Y.T. says:

    My EB1 flashlight with the click on cap

  12. Shane says:

    I’ve have 2 6p’s that have served me well for a number of years

  13. Dan says:

    Love my EB1 Light. You get what you pay for with surefire. Hasnt let me down yet.

    I have a galaxy S5 with circular earbuds

  14. Matt369 says:

    The Surefire 2211 LMX is a great tool for night operations

  15. Luke says:

    Surefire E2D LED light and EP4 Defenders earpro (the foam tip)
    iPhone 6S & EarPods


  16. Woot says:

    I carry my G2X with click tailcap and RCS pocket clip every day.
    iPhone 6s case would be cool

  17. Mike K says:

    X300 for sure.

    Thanks for the opportunity

  18. RunninRagged says:

    G2X. Simple, elegant, classic design.

  19. HT says:

    X300 Ultra on the handgun.

  20. Oscar says:

    Love my EP4 Defender earpro

  21. John says:

    I have a ton of surefire products from scout lights to hand helds to phone apps (I really like their shot timer). But my favorite product have to be their EP3’s. I have 4 or 5 pairs, and they’re really handy.

    I’d like an iPhone 6 case

  22. Bob says:

    X300 Ultra on my handgun. Best light out there!!

  23. Mike Nomad says:

    My favorite SureFire product are the mutts I put together: 9V LED lamp assemblies from their G3s, swapped into my 6Ps.

    My prize picks are the Galaxy S5 case / earlocks for standard, circular earbuds.

  24. Jason says:

    The M600 and X300 lights and SOCOM muzzle brake! Thanks!

  25. Gunslinger6 says:

    My surefire 60 rd mag

  26. Hank says:

    Surefire Ryder 9 Ti is my favorite suppressor and really any surefire suppressor is good to go in my book.

  27. Jeff says:

    My favorite product from surefire is my old school “6P” from way back when, it has been dependable for a decade of service, and with a recent malkoff’s LED upgrade will continue to get carried daily for decades more to come.

    Galaxy S5 case for me, please!

  28. Matt says:

    I love the Titan plus, it has taken a huge amount of weight off my edc load out.

  29. Dan M. says:

    E2D which I carry every day

  30. JKifer says:

    Hard to choose…M300-B mini scout light.

  31. SecretAsianMan says:

    G2 LED. Very bright and inexpensive enough to have 3 or 4 of them laying around the house, which is a good thing as I’ll need the funds to pay for eye surgery due to the kids “acquiring” them for adhoc games of flashlight tag.

  32. Preston says:

    P2X Fury is my favorite light. I also use the EP4 defender ear pro quite a bit.

  33. Brian says:

    Surefire G2

  34. AB says:

    I really like my Surefire P2X Fury for EDC. There are so many great products and many different categories to choose from. If I’m lucky – iPhone 6 and Earpods. Thanks and good luck all! Stay safe!

  35. SShink says:


  36. Jason says:

    Surefire X300

  37. vdmsr says:

    Titan Plus is an awesome little light, use it all the time and its tiny as hell.

  38. CW says:

    Surefire xc1

  39. Ted says:


  40. VIV says:

    my fav is the E2D defender with striking bezel !

  41. Turbo240 says:

    I love my g2 flashlight! Extremely durable!!

  42. Marmatt says:


    I have smaller, brighter, newer lights, but none get used as much and with the same confidence as this light does. It has been a workhorse for years.

  43. Pat says:

    Although I have a lot of their stuff and love all of it, my 6P has never let me down since ’95, so over 20 years and still going strong!
    Bought it when Surefire was still Laser Products.

    The Iphone 6 phonecase please.

  44. Chase says:

    X400 Light/Laser with DG Switch on an HK USP40 Tactical with MR09 Rail Adapter
    Samsung Galaxy S5
    Earlocks for standard circular earbuds

  45. Tim says:

    Surefire 6p because that is my go to light. Hopefully will get a scout soon though.

  46. Ed says:

    SOCOM 7.62 mini, 5.56, SOCOM FH mounts, my issued ECHO knife and all the flashlights I ever used or was issued.

  47. Kevin says:

    My favorite SureFire product has been my LX2 Lumamax. I’ve had it for over 7 years and even though there are newer higher output lights, the LX2 does everything I need for everyday use. Great metal construction and dual output coupled with a Red lens filter makes using this thing at night a breeze.

  48. MrAlNguyen says:

    Surefire G2 series. Great light for the lower price point. 😉

  49. Kris says:

    My favorite Surefire product is the Digital L5 Lumamax.

  50. ADVG says:

    I always use SF EP4 Sonic Defenders earplugs.