SIG MMG 338 Program Series

TIHK – Urban SlimTool


The creators of the Tiny Inconspicious Handcuff Key have just released a new product, the Urban SlimTool, a credit card-sized survival pocket tool which is made of laser cut stainless steel. The Urban SlimTool comes with a 4-piece lockpick set, integrated universal door jam shim, and 10 different wrench sizes.


4 Responses to “TIHK – Urban SlimTool”

  1. Desert Lizard says:

    I wonder why they chose stainless. Do tools this small not need a harder material?

    • Diddler says:

      Butt sweat resistance?

    • Maskirovka says:

      Not necessarily, but it if it was cut from too thin of a stainless sheet, I’d wonder if the tension wrenches would be too flexy. Picks cut from a sheet of steel are not going to be nearly as smooth as a professional set… but those don’t fit in your wallet. Good enough + always in your wallet might be enough to spend the money.

  2. im interested with FATT MAXX series.