RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Hostile Intent Fabrications – Armed Christian Patch

This is a press release from Hostile Intent Fabrications regarding the release of their latest morale patch, the Armed Christian. The full details can be read below:



With the attack this morning in Belgium, reminding ISIS that we in the U.S. are not soft targets, but a hardened and armed free nation, is more important than ever. In countries that they occupy ISIS has been busy marking homes and businesses owned by Christians with an Arabic letter -> ? (pronounced “noon”). This is done in both Syria and Iraq to denote those places that will either be taxed to live in the supposed Caliphate or killed in their rolling genocide. H.I.F. wanted to make a little something to let them know that trying that proposition here in the U.S. would be a wholly different and unpleasant experience. This embroidered patches has a hooked velcro back and measures 3.40″ x 2.90″. It’s time to remind the beasts that we refuse to be prey.

Find this and other patches at hostileintentfabrications.bigcartel.com.


29 Responses to “Hostile Intent Fabrications – Armed Christian Patch”

  1. Douche Poser says:

    I love things that promote sectarianism. Hooah brother.

  2. Gerard says:

    That’s Islamophobic and I love it

  3. SID says:

    We need the same for atheist.

  4. James says:

    Gotta love the ISIS smiley!

  5. Ed says:

    Right on!

  6. Disco says:

    It kinda looks like Pac Man robbing me….

  7. Buckethead says:

    Yeah, there’s no way anyone in ISIS would mess with anyone wearing this patch.

  8. ThatBlueFalcon says:

    Whoever buys this should wear it proudly with their ‘ISIS Hunter’ and ‘Al Qaeda Hunting Permit’ patches while open carrying their budget AR15 in Starbucks.

  9. Craig says:

    Ya’ know,back in HS,I would wear my “Kung Fu”,”Hapkido”,”Shotokan Karate” and other “Martial Arts” type patches on my Cousins field jacket I wore in school,or on the OG-107 or Jungle Jacket I had. (still have them BTW)

    I thought
    (A):I’m proud to be taking those styles,so why not show it.
    (B):People would see it and not mess with me,so I would have a peaceful existence.

    It was exactly opposite.

    People saw the patches and decided to see if “he really knows that shit” or if “he’s really as good as ‘they’ say he is”… and got me into more fights THAT WAY,than if I had worn none.

    I see the same thing with all these types of patches & shirts and stuff-I am not singling THIS one out.
    They will not stop anyone from “messing” with you because “Oh no, he is a Armed Christian,let us look elsewhere Achmed”…your kinda drawing attention to yourself that would be better if you just went “low profile”, as I should have done,and if trouble comes, fine, you’re prepared,but why advertise it.

    Maybe not the best analogy,but one I could easily put into words.
    Now, worn on a plate carrier maybe,like any other ‘morale patch’…

    I hope I have gotten my thoughts across to everyone concisely..pain meds from 2 ruptured discs yesterday kinda clouding things,so I apologize if things didn’t come out right.

    • Ed says:

      Well put, pain meds aside. I wish sometimes it could be like the “old west” (in movies, not the true history), were we could draw out these Islamist scum on “our” turf and send them to allah. But your right, I would rather be plain citizen in the vicinity when “they” choose to carry out their perverted attacks on innocents so myself and others like us could stop them. Hope you heal up soon!

  10. sopcwannabe says:

    Jesus was a homeless, childless, penniless wandering teacher whose greatest condemnation was leveled at the religious elite. of the 12 disciples only one died a natural death. yet from their sacrifice billions have come to know Jesus Christ as an entity that radical transforms the heart and is the hope when all human agency can be of no help. boasting about being ready to double tap in the name of Jesus is silly at best and anti-christian at worst.

    • Ed says:

      Uh, so if someone tries to do harm to you or your family (being Christian an din the name of Jesus aside) you would consult the WWJD and not fight your life or the lives of your loved ones?

    • JP says:

      Jesus was a schizophrenic carpenter at best, and a con man at worst.

      • Ed says:

        You and your buddy sopcwannabe sound like a bunch of schizophrenics and idiots that just want to stir up the pot. Way to be a key-board tuff guy!

      • straps says:

        I’m not even deeply religious and this strikes me as blaming the player instead of the game.

        Every culture has its Teachings. It’s PERVERSIONS of those Teachings that cause conflict.

        Back OT, this will look grrrreat over my Chinese-sewn III% patriot flag patch.

        • Ed says:

          Now that is funny!

          • Rob Collins says:

            +1. I’ve done a lot of damage to keyboards from blowing coffee reading Straps’s posts here & elsewhere. Thanks man!

            Not buying the patch, like I wouldn’t buy a pet monkey, but, I’d look on owners of either with amusement. Not judgement, amusement…

      • Paul J says:

        He’s just the white middle eastern guy with brown hair that everyone love, you know.

  11. Lisa N says:

    It’s just a patch. Lighten up, Francis

  12. D.B. says:

    Great product advancement, indeed.

    Something new for mall ninjas to embrace fully and be excited about.

  13. Brent says:

    This will go well on the stock of my Spike’s Crusader.

  14. BMoore says:

    I just just received mine. It’s a little big, but it’s awesome.