GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Marine South – Big Ass Solutions

ADS Inc had Big Ass Solutions in their booth at Marine South.  This model is the 6-1/2 foot tall Black Jack which is impressively quiet considering it’s, well, a Big Ass Fan.  The variable blade speed Black Jack is mounted on wheels and has a 25′ cord.  This chart gives you an idea of what kind of air movement you are seeing.  


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9 Responses to “Marine South – Big Ass Solutions”

  1. jim says:

    yep ill need two of those big ass fans

  2. Dev says:

    Need 2 of these for my overclocked Xeons.

  3. DylBug says:

    What is the purpose of a big assed fan for the marines?

    • Sean says:

      You’ve obviously never been in a building without A/C in the summer in eastern NC.

      • Jack Griffin says:

        I’m holding out for a deployment favorite: Dirty Water Swamp Cooler (TM).

    • W.w. says:

      Saw some in Lackland for some AF training. I appreciated them very much as it was August and nasty out.

    • Airborne_fister says:

      I started out as a rigger. The guy who pack parachutes and rigs heavy drops of equipment. These fans would of been so much better then the fans we used. The big think ones that do not creat enough wind to inflate the chute. So someone has to run inside after every fold and make sure it was good at the bridal loop of the chute. This one would inflate the chute enough to where all you would have to do is hold down the folds.

  4. Ola says:

    Well, let’s just not let the shit hit it, eh?

    Kidding, kidding.
    I’m a big fan of this.
    a massive fan, I tell you.

  5. Bill says:

    I could have used this on the range to push the humidity around in the summer, and one of those jet-powered orchard warmers for heating it in the winters.