GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Yes, This Actually Happened


14 Responses to “Yes, This Actually Happened”

  1. Gizmo says:

    Would appear to function with http://www….but that still ain’t right.

  2. Blake Slamson says:

    Oh no there’s a bug on their website.

    Sooo… what’s the point?

  3. Mike Nomad says:

    Good Grief. Seven trackers, no https, no certificate. I’m almost afraid to ask if these clowns are hiring…

    Or were you talking about the screen capture: Bluetooth Off (good), Location Services On (bad)?

    • 1c3 says:

      It’s a cyber security website, that’s actively being DDoS’d. Irony.

      • Mike Nomad says:

        Given the site’s focus, DDOS attacks should be expected. And successfully handling a DDOS attack is fairly tricky.

        The error shown on the screen shot does not necessarily indicate a DDOS attack. That kind of an error could mean their site got hacked, or they were having firewall problems after they tried to tweak it. Given that I can get to the site without any problems, repeatedly, it looks like the latter. Quite possibly, as part of dealing with a DDOS attack.

        I guess my Irony Stack is not compiling properly this AM…

        • Mike Nomad says:

          Sorry, I grammar Not Have Way. My going to their site repeatedly was not part of a DDOS attack…

        • SSD says:

          That’s not a DDOS, it’s redirecting your browser to God knows where, where it will do God knows what to your machine.

  4. Blake Slamson says:

    And most DDoS attacks are fairly easy to avoid with decent hosting and security like CloudFlare, something a security-focused conference should definitely have.

    But a redirect loop isn’t a typical symptom of a DDoS.

  5. Nick says:

    Them and battlenet…