FirstSpear TV

Pure Hydration – Sentinel InLine Individual Water Purification Device

Sentinel InLine

Pure Hydration is a company owned and founded by Jon Grant, who has been involved with both the Marine Corps and Army Individual Water Purification programs. Pure Hydration’s latest product, the Sentinel InLine, was developed specifically for military application as an inline filtration system for use with military personnel in the field. It has to be noted that the Sentinel is currently in the prototype stage, although it has passed independent NSF P248 testing, and Pure Hydration is seeking funding through Kickstarter for further testing and refinement of the Sentinel.

Pure Hydration products feature purifiers which utilize a non-woven, tortuous path depth filter media, with up to 400 layers of pores between high surface area sub-micron fibers. The fibers remove negatively charged sub-micron particles through electroadhesion and electro adsorption, while larger particles are caught within the fiber matrix. Powdered carbon and silver ion components within the filter media further neutralize a broad spectrum of contaminants, allowing water to pass through the filter, clean and safe to drink. The filters have been tested as blocking the following media and pathogens:

  • 99.99997% removal of Bacteria (Cholera, E. coli, Salmonella typhi, etc.)
  • 99.999% removal of Viruses (Hepititis A, Norovirus, Polio, etc.)
  • 99.993% removal of Parasitic pathogens (Cryptosporidium, Giardia, etc.)
  • Also provides protection against such as heavy metals (Cadmium, Chromium, Mercury, etc.) and other inorganic compounds, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs – Benzine, Chloroform, 1,1-1,2 – Dichloroethane, MTBE, etc.)

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    3 Responses to “Pure Hydration – Sentinel InLine Individual Water Purification Device”

    1. Dog Off Leash says:

      Taken from their Kickstarter page:

      “Please note that this product is not available through this Kickstarter project, but we’re offering some great rewards using the same innovative technology base for backers.”

    2. bob says:

      the claim of activated carbon and silver ion in products that don’t give a ‘dwell time’ is proving to be a gimmick to help sales. Im yet to see results worth advertising in a small inline filter.

    3. Love your blog. Pure hydration is very important as it utilize a non-woven, tortuous path depth filter media, with up to 400 layers of pores between high surface area sub-micron fibers.