GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Specialized Tactical Systems – Muzzle Thumper

We’ve had a few people ask us about the STS Muzzle Thumper so we thought we’d mention it again. Made from Heat Treated 4140 Steel and treated with Black Teflon Coating, the three prong design of the Muzzle Thumper is intended to reduce felt recoil and muzzle climb but turns out, it also does a great job puncturing tires (and rib cages).

Use code,”ssd” at checkout for 15% off the Muzzle Thumper.



9 Responses to “Specialized Tactical Systems – Muzzle Thumper”

  1. Guy says:

    When did butt-stroking go out of fashion?

  2. Hush says:

    Razor sharp muzzle device, just what I want dangling off a single point at gigglestick level… I see that puncturing a thigh when some “operator” takes a knee.

    • Precisely…file this one under, “What could possibly go wrong?”

      Beside, since it does not offer a lot of penetration, if you did get close enough to use that thing on somebody, you may just wind up really pissing them off rather than doing any fatal damage.


      • straps says:

        I think I like “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” as much as the WTF tag that I was expecting to see this tagged under.

        There’s a thriving gun show category for muzzle devices that make this thing look a model of prudent engineering.

  3. Steve says:

    I just think why you would want this in a tactical situation…

    • Joe momma says:

      Because we all know a flat tire IMMEDIATELY immobilizes a vehicle

  4. Greg says:

    Niiice mustache!

  5. Seamus says:

    If they could make something like this that was a quick attach/detach on a standard muzzle device, keeping it small and light weight. Keep it small enough to fit in a grenade pouch for convenience you could do the same thing but be able to take it off when you don’t want to risk accidentally stabbing yourself or others.