SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Blast From The Past – Camofax

Who else remembers the Camofax ads from Soldier of Fortune magazine?  


7 Responses to “Blast From The Past – Camofax”

  1. Balazs B. J. de Berzsenyi says:

    I do. I actually still have the vest and it is in perfect condition!!!

  2. Buckaroomedic says:

    I do! Whatever happened to them?

  3. Riceball says:

    So, going by inflation, the price of cammies has actually gone down over the years, I mean almost $80 for a vest and $30 for the jacket and that’s 1908’s dollars. The vest, I imagine, you can buy something like it now a days for a lot less (granted made in China), and BDUs are still around $30 brand new.