
Ruffwear – Highlands Sleeping Bag

The Highlands Sleeping Bag from Ruffwear is designed to keep your dog warm during cold nights on the trail.

The circular bag with full zip fits the way your pooch sleeps and allows for ventilation.  Additionally, it features a sleeve to accept their accordion fold, closed cell Highland sleeping mat.


5 Responses to “Ruffwear – Highlands Sleeping Bag”

  1. Jon says:

    I’ve got a few items from ruffwear over the years. While sometimes expensive, you get great quality gear. My dog used the shoes in the winter for walks in Alaska and we have a few leashes and collars from them. Really good company with a really good product.

  2. Keith says:

    I agree, I have been using Ruff Wear stuff for 10 years. They just keep expanding on their product line.

  3. Hoff says:

    Been using their booties on MWD’s for years now. Worth the money for their products.

  4. Eddie says:

    Seems like it would work great unless your dog prefers to sleep with you, which is most dogs. >.>

    • Airborne_fister says:

      Yes I was gonna make that comment. My dogs, even tho they are toy rat terriers, like to burrow under our covers.