FirstSpear TV

THYRM’s Summer Sweepstakes Starts Today!

It’s simple, just go to, scroll to the bottom of the page, and enter your email address to subscribe to their newsletter. You’ll automatically be entered to win one of two awesome prize packs listed below!

The All New 300 Lumen SureFire® EB1 Backup

3 Cell Vaults™ (any color you choose)

3 SwitchBacks®(any color you choose)


The Premium 600 Lumen SureFire® P2X with Intellibeam

3 Cell Vaults™ (any color you choose)

3 SwitchBacks®(any color you choose)

The winner will be chosen at random at the end of July. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited, you must at least 18 years old to enter. Good luck!

Note: THYRM will not sell, trade, or otherwise distribute customer emails. Newsletters only go out when new products or new promotions become available.


2 Responses to “THYRM’s Summer Sweepstakes Starts Today!”

  1. If you enter today (30th of June) it still counts!

  2. Brian Harris says:

    Cool, thx for the heads up.