SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Stay Strong Baton Rouge

Baton Rouge has had some rough times lately, but the murder of three police officers and the wounding of four more, by persons unknown, is just too much.  

BRPD and the local community remain in our thoughts and prayers.  May they find peace and heal any division.

For God’s sake, let’s stay safe out there!

12 Responses to “Stay Strong Baton Rouge”

  1. BravoMike says:

    Honor the brave and remember the fallen. Thoughts and prayers for the true heroes in LA, their departments, and their families. God bless you all.

  2. jbgleason says:

    Thx. Things are rough here.

  3. Dellis says:

    The real tragedy will be, not only the lost lives and the scars these tragedies leave but when this becomes a monthly, weekly or worse a daily event.

    White groups will now seek revenge on blacks, blacks will retaliate and it snowballs.

    Our current president is of no value at all because his answer is…”Well if it wasn’t so easy to buy a Glock in this country this wouldn’t happen!”

    No words to express how heavy this is, really it’s so damn sad. Prayers for the families and for all officers out there.

  4. Ed says:

    This is domestic terrorism plain and simple. “They” (lefty-commie agitators) wanted a return to the late 60’s, 70’s anti-war, CR civil disturbance BS and now it’s back. Like Dellis said above…

    “The real tragedy will be, not only the lost lives and the scars these tragedies leave but when this becomes a monthly, weekly or worse a daily event.”

    These so called “leaders” like the POTUS, the perpetual victim/grievance industry that gave us JJ and AS are nothing more than Marxist agi-prop puppets that useful/less idiots listen to.

    Sad day indeed. Everyone needs to be aware, it’s not just going to be LEO/PD if this keeps going.

    Stay safe, stay frosty

    • Dellis says:

      Is it odd that I travel with a “kit” in my vehicle? By kit I am not talking plates and carrier but a simple chest rig and my rifle.

      Seriously I ask ya’ll am I overly paranoid or over reacting? I have now for a good while kept a kit in car, I am an an avid trainee and almost weekly shooter but I wonder if that’s a good idea given the climate right now?

      Does anyone else?

      • SSD says:

        You are not odd in the least.

      • thedude says:

        No, its not odd. Might want to think about picking up a plate carrier/plates. Nothing sucks more that a sucking chest wound. I keep a similar kit in the truck. along with a come-a-long, tow straps, fullsize spare, Kevlar run flat tires, an extra lug wrench and tie down straps and fire extinguisher, and IFAK.

      • Ed says:

        Not at all. I wish I could do the same. I still work for Uncle Sammy so unfortunately in my travels from home to the “office” I am under the protection of the good graces of chance and lack of a credible threat in the “enlightened” city I reside in momentarily. My only concern in the future after I’m “liberated” from service would be how to safely lock my rifle and be able to unlock it quick if that wolf came a callin’. I already on long road trips with family keep an extra Glock in the glove compartment, my carry on me or in front of the driver seat and usually have my rifle in the back, but not accessible. Just not enough room for all other necessities having a family.

        • Dellis says:

          Thank you gentleman for the replies qnd those replies make me feel better in that I am doin right.

          I do have plates and a PIG carrier with a Haley rig attached but that I do not carry in my truck BUT perhaps I should. I do have a Haley rig set up that I carry along with my rifle, 4 magazines to feed that and 2 extra mags for my Glock. All of that goes in every morning and out every night and can be placed out of sight completely if I need to run into a store but I will avoid doing that if at all possible.

          I drive a larger SUV so space is plenty. Dark window tint is a big plus guys if legal in your areas. Out of sight out of mind

          Be safe

  5. majrod says:

    My prayers for the next of kin that God may assuage their grief.

    More prayers for us as a nation. We aren’t missing leadership. It’s taking us in the wrong direction.