
A Morale Patch Bourne Of Hypocrisy

Have you ever noticed that “Celebrities” really enjoy making statements about whatever hot topic issue will get them the most press?

One such example is Matt Damon, who decided to spew all sorts of anti 2nd Amendment talking points recently. Ironically, he voiced his asinine opinion while engaged in a publicity tour for the most recent installment of his GUN HEAVY Bourne franchise. Well, the irony wasn’t lost on our friends at Tactical Pro Shop in Burbank, CA. So they are proudly producing a limited run of this patch.

These are Direct UV printed on PVC coated polyester webbing with velcro hook bonded to the backside.

$5.00 from each patch sale goes to the CalGuns Foundation, the leading voice in the fight for 2A Rights in the state of California. California is a paradise, legislated by idiots, and they practice over-reaching gun control there before they try to take it national.

Instead of spending money on a movie this weekend, buy this patch and help the fight in California.

26 Responses to “A Morale Patch Bourne Of Hypocrisy”

  1. straps says:


  2. jkifer says:

    hahahaha… this is awesome.. they need to make one for that dbag liam neeson too…

  3. Ranger Rick says:

    Can I get a Clooney and a Penn?

  4. Matthew Kime says:

    We have some ideas for the next round / when the timing is right. For now, skip this pricks film and help out Calguns.

    I mean, you need to save something for HBO anyway, right?

  5. andrew says:

    Just ordered one, hell to the yeah!

  6. JohnnyO says:

    Ironic- the money I would have spent to go see these ass-hats films/ buy DVDs… I now divert towards ammo/firearms! Damon and his ilk can go to hell!
    I tried sharing this post on Facebook but it keeps telling me there is an error – anyone else have any luck? Or is Facebook deliberately blocking this?

  7. .308 says:


  8. Mateo says:

    After seeing this topic discussed several places recently, I’ve concluded that calling it hypocrisy is diverting attention from the real problem. While it should be pointed out that it is hypocritical, the real focus should be on WHY he (and others) are WRONG.
    Simply citing #2A isn’t enough, in this ever changing and globalizing world that will be dismissed. Make the case for the rights of man, because exactly where is that happening these days? Europe? Middle East? Far East? S. America? Africa? N. America? Don’t let the “cool” people control the narrative, because they will give groups a perceived legitmacy to decide what is right and what is wrong.
    But yeah, patch is funny.

  9. Whit says:

    Hahaha. Love it!

    If he’s so serious about gun control, Damon needs to put up and shut up and not star in any films that feature firearms. I’m not going to hold my breath, though.

  10. Dellis says:

    Just ordered 5 patches….these are great!

  11. Sean says:

    Hell yes! Can’t wait to rock one of these

  12. Dellis says:

    Pass on the Bourne movies….but will check out John Wick II!

    John Wick made Bourne his bitch

    • Jon Meyer says:

      Keanu is pro-2nd from what I understand. Owns quite a few, as well as Tom Cruise.

      • reverend says:

        CORRECT! Where as Matt Damon hired a buncha trainers for his firearm skills… Reeves hired one, then started doing three gun matches to get the actual FEEL for doing it “correctly”.

        Love him, or hate him… he does put everything into his craft… and when I met him through his band “Dogstar”, nicest freakin’ guy. I mean seriously… he was on the ‘downward wane’, and still just humble, and geniune.

        • Dellis says:

          I may be odd guy out but I actually have always liked Keanu flicks. I mean not all are block busters but to me he is underrated as an actor.

  13. Brando says:

    I totally agree. Anthony Hopkins made millions playing a fucking cannibal so many times, but the hypocrite won’t support cannibalism publicly.

    • Stu says:

      Almost like when I tell vegatarians that plants are living things that have feelings too.

  14. I heart pt belts says:

    I’ll buy a beer for any prop guy that can sneak these into the next bourne movie

    • Dellis says:

      Well, wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of a Matt Damon “movie ban” ?

  15. Mandingo says:

    I wonder if Sig sent those guns under a promotional deal / agreement?

    I’d be reconsidering those deals in the future if so.