GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Nutshellz – Jock Supporter

You may have seen the Nutshellz ballistic cup which protect up to NIJ Level II threats. They are made with Kevlar 29, Dyneema and carbon fiber. In the video below, it takes a shot from a .357.

Now, they’ve introduced a boxer brief to accept the cup and offer increased stability.



16 Responses to “Nutshellz – Jock Supporter”

  1. Spider says:

    I see Broken Lizard has branched out into the tactical world.

    • ThatBlueFalcon says:

      Bulletproof cup, huh? I invented this gag, Rabbit. Only in my day, the rookie got naked… And we also used blanks. You’re a sick motherfucker, Mac.

    • Erik says:

      Glad to see I wasn’t the only that had Super Troopers come to mind when I saw this.

  2. President Skroob says:

    Why does the illustration have camel toe?

  3. Gerard says:

    Do they make that in an XXXL size?

  4. SG says:

    Backface deformation is a motherf***er…

  5. Augie says:

    I think this is pretty cool! I can’t speak to the science behind it or how well it will stand up to getting shot in the junk and/or getting rocked, but “quality of life” issues is a very real thing for a lot of dudes after getting blown up/shot.

    Armored underwear/cups etc is an expensive road for manufactures to go down, I’m glad someone spent some time and money on this.

  6. Diddler says:

    Bullet ricochet to femoral artery; die knowing your dong-meat is intact.

    • straps says:

      Or not.

      When rifle plates first came out every LE shift had someone who new a guy who worked with a guy who took one to the chest and it (a) went into his cranium through his chin and/or (b) deflected into his partner’s ascending aorta by hitting the torso just behind the armhole of his LIII vest.

  7. Greg says:

    That armored cup funk has to be pretty ripe after a while.

  8. ThatBlueFalcon says:

    What if these were issued as “pool” equipment like rifle plates? Think of the funk, must, and herpes passed around!

  9. Tim says:

    Why carbon fiber? Cause it looks cool? As someone who has vacuum bagged CF I don’t need that shit anywhere near me ever again.