
Born For Action – RamBro aka Bosnian Rambo

Because sometimes, we all just need to sit back and smile.

18 Responses to “Born For Action – RamBro aka Bosnian Rambo”

  1. Matt says:

    Sometime in 2014 his promising career as a comedian was abruptly ceased by s
    ome armed critics in a cafe in Ostrozac, Bosnia.

  2. The Monkey says:

    Tagline “I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on my motherfucking gun!”

  3. Dellis says:

    The best part of that movie, well besides never truly knowing who he was chasing nor shooting at…and the basic plot, was at the 1:50 mark where after shooting he removed his mask to reveal…a camo face paint!! Truly stunning and gave me goosies.

    And the Academy passed this one up, why?

  4. Big_Juju says:

    For God’s Sake! Somebody get that snake some ear pro!

  5. Ragnar says:

    Because 10 round mags never run out.

  6. Roland_1911 says:

    Only 3 words can accurately describe this.




  7. SamHill says:

    BFD, I let snakes crawl on me all the time while I shoot bare chested with face paint!

  8. Alex says:

    LOL. I recall watching this a long time ago.

    Also giving me flashbacks of RTT-CQB man.

    The classics.

  9. Disco says:

    9/10 Would remove kebab with

  10. Major_Northeast_City says:

    He barely broke a sweat.

  11. Yuri says:

    “RamBro, we have exceed bullet budget!”

    “Is ok, I shake gun and add bang bang later!”

  12. Philip says:

    I find it hilarious how all of these foreign action films always look like they were shot with a late-90’s camcorder. It takes “D-list” to an entirely new level.

  13. Doug says:

    At one point it looks like he’s shooting while staring down the scope with the scope cover on. Born for action indeed!

  14. Another Ed says:

    Nothing says covert like camo facepaint while wearing a thick gold chain around the neck.