
De Oppresso Liber Statue Dedication – NYC – 13 Sep 2016

De Oppresso Liber Statue Dedication – NYC – 13 Sep 2016

Who: 500-800 attendees expected

What: Rededication of De Oppresso Liber “America’s Response Statue” to its permanent home

When: 13 Sep 2016 @ 1130-1230

Where: Liberty Park, World Trade Center, Albany St & West St, New York City (elevated ‘green space’ that overlooks the 9/11 Memorial Plaza). Please see news link below.

Why: Statue commemorates the servicemen and women of America’s Special Operations response to 9/11, including those who fought in the early days of Operation Enduring Freedom. This operation led to the initial defeat of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Info courtesy of the Air Commando Association.

6 Responses to “De Oppresso Liber Statue Dedication – NYC – 13 Sep 2016”

  1. Gerard says:

    Thats impressive, Im so glad to read about this

  2. jbgleason says:

    I have seen the statue in person and it is inspiring. Glad to see they are finally putting it in its home.

  3. Josh says:

    Maybe I’m not looking in the right place, but I don’t see anything about the De Oppresso Liber Statue Dedication on Air Commando Association’s page under their upcoming events. Just curious about how someone attends this event besides walking up to the memorial.

  4. CJ says:

    Who paid for that out of interest?
    Only asking because the 16th Air Assault in the UK have recently forced every man to pay £20 to pay for a new Pegasus comemorative statue. 2000 men = £40,000. Extorted the money with threats of extra duty, lost weekends etc. That’s how we fund our CO’s latest good ideas in the UK. They got a charity to then stump up the cost when their cunning plan was rumbled, lied and said it was funded by the charity but as a good will gesture, we’re using the money raised to re pay the charity so they could re stock their funds. Smart of fcuking criminal, not decided yet.

    • GOAT says:

      Bought and Paid for privately by a couple of Wall Street Finance guys in appreciation of what was accomplished by SF in Astan.

      I’ve kept an eye on it through all of it’s moves around the area. It’s finally in a fitting spot.

  5. Kevin says:

    Its an incredible site. Its south of where the towers stood and overlooks the grounds and the 9/11 museum. On a recent TDY trip to Drum my peers and I went to the city to see the sites and this was one of the things I wanted to see.