TYR Tactical

Please Support The Abel Loredos Medical Fund

It’s not often that I make a personal appeal but a tragedy befell the family of one of my friends last weekend and they need our help.

Abel is the victim of a senseless hit-and-run road rage attack which resulted in the amputation of his foot.  Fortunately, the attacker is in custody.  While we all can take solace in the great work of the Washington State Patrol and Tacoma Police Department for getting this creep off the street, it isn’t going to heal Abel or take care of his bills.  Those, are up to him and us.  

I have known Abel for many years. He is a Marine Corps Veteran and a former employee of Tactical Tailor. He currently works at Anytime Fitness in Tacoma, WA. If none of that makes a connection, he is also the son of GW Ayers, Vice President of Grey Ghost and GW is one of the most straight up, honest guys in this industry who raised Abel from a tyke to be the man he is today.  I look at GW as a brother from another mother. We both served on the IGB (that’s Inter-German Border for those of you who didn’t have the honor of serving in the Cold War) and I am constantly amazed at GW’s demeanor.  He still conducts himself like a Platoon Sergeant; praise when it’s warranted and a kick in the ass, when it’s not. Fortunately, Abel is a chip off the old block. He’s going to lick this and that’s why we need to help him out. 

One of Abel’s co-workers has created a GoFundMe Page and we encourage everyone to help out if you can.  Our family contributed and we hope you will too. 


Eric Graves

7 Responses to “Please Support The Abel Loredos Medical Fund”

  1. Billiam says:

    Done and done.

  2. Done and done. Shared.

  3. james says:

    Done… hope for a speedy recovery… it may look like a long road ahead of you…and it is… but you are not alone! anything you need just let us know.

  4. Lawrence says:

    Well said and well done! Amen!!

  5. Godspeed in your recovery Abel! We will be praying for your recovery.

  6. AGL Bob says:

    For a good man deserving our support.

  7. Jody Brabec says:

    Saw the news video of you. Very sobering. thanks for speaking publicly about it, while in the hospital. I’ll try to think twice the next time I’m faced with a similar situation. It’s so very easy for us all to forget that some drivers have the shape of a man, but are not human.