GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

It’s Back!

h/t Mission Spec

23 Responses to “It’s Back!”

  1. Dan says:

    Give her a Pumpkin Spiced Glock, it’s all a white girl needs

  2. AJ says:

    For when bad guys need to get “white girl wasted”.

    • Tacticoool says:

      Joke: /j?k/
      a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.
      “This post was a joke”

      synonyms: funny story, jest, witticism, quip;

  3. BAP45 says:

    If we can get a store to post this as a billboard then that would some epic trolling. especially if its in an unfriendly area.

  4. Todd Schooler says:

    NO!….Just NO. Enough with the spice this and spice that. It’s liberal crack.

  5. Gerard says:

    Thats pretty funny, I laughed like hell

  6. JKifer says:

    hahahaha…too funny SSD..but what it cost? hey, I just noticed.. they forgot the light rail, and there should be a second pin there above the trigger eh?

      • James says:

        Not with finger grooves and the thumb rest, gen 3 features. As far as the second pin, not all 9mm’s have them.

    • John Estes says:

      JKifer, Good eye, It looks different because it’s The 8mm Glock 17 Blank firing pistol. it’s a semi automatic Italian. made by Bruni. It is a full scale replica and the operation is the same as the real gun in every detail right down to the slide lock back function when the last blank bullet is fired. It comes in orange to comply with UK law. I just added in all the text for fun.

  7. Disco says:

    I want a Sporty Spice Glock

  8. John Estes says:

    I originally built this “Pumpkin Spice Glock AD” as a joke because we are quickly moving into the “Pumpkin Spice Everything Season” But after seeing all of the attention it has gotten , Maybe you CERACOTE folks or even Glock should pick up the ball and run with it. $$$ Glad everybody had fun with it.

  9. Stu says:

    Oh no. An orange Glock. I’ll never get back my innocence now.

  10. Bad Dancer says:

    Gimmie, I’ll gladly acquire some ugg boots in exchange for this.

  11. Jon, OPT says:

    There was actually a band called Orange 9mm years back, may still exist, they were straight edge hardcore in the early 90’s.

  12. Abu fitna says:

    Wife has determined that this is too much pumpkin, not enough spice. Needs burnt seinna tones for that basic white bitch appeal

  13. joe says:

    Good for general pumpkin use, but a little more detail would make for a great Halloween-themed pistol.