TYR Tactical

Probably the Coolest Thing at Modern Day Marine

Granted, it’s not very Marine, but it’s poignant nonetheless.   


18 Responses to “Probably the Coolest Thing at Modern Day Marine”

  1. Billiam says:

    Grab me one, would ‘ya kindly?

  2. JSGlock34 says:

    I think Magpul was handing these out at SHOT before the new Enhanced Performance Magazine was announced. Makes a lot of sense to me considering how the PMAG presents rounds for feeding compared to aluminum magazines.

    Gotta love how M4s needed special feed ramps to function properly, but the new M855A1 round damages M4 feed ramps, so now we need magazines that insert the new round higher so it clears the new feed ramps…

    Then again, why aren’t we adopting MK318 again?

  3. Chucker says:

    I like it!

    But SSD, how much it cost?

  4. Dan says:

    Can anyone explain the ‘overtravel’ notch on the spine of the gen3?? I’m at a loss, I have never seen a need for this feature? Someone please enlighten me as to the critical requirement for the world’s biggest pouch snag hazard to be on my mags?

    • Lt M says:

      It’s to prevent over-insertion of the magazine, which was a problem with PMAGs in the SCAR 16 and some other firearms.

    • CAP says:

      The overtravel stop was on the front of the magazine in previous generations. Magpul lowered the shelf on the front of the magazine and moved the overtravel stop to the spine so the mags would work with the HK416, which has a deeper magazine well than the M16 FOW.

    • steve says:

      Agree it is fukked

  5. patrick sweeney says:

    I have a sneaking suspicion that the $300 mil quoted involved some bootstrapping. It can’t cost that much to insert a new bullet into an existing case, and find the correct powder charge for the performance desired. if it did, the big ammo companies wouldn’t have 72 different loads for shooting deer.

    I’ll bet there was a laundry list of improvements, updates and systems enhancements/efficiency improvements that went along in that $300 mil tab. If so, good on them for getting the line updated.

  6. Brent says:

    I’m not your buddy, friend.

  7. David Hensley says:

    It’s a cartoon, that makes if VERY Marine.

  8. steve says:

    Why did magpul put that so called mag stop on the rear of the gen3, it makes for a terrible fit into so many magazine inserts and form fitting pouches. Get rid of it no one has ever had a stoppage by over inserting a magazine into an m4.